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Added script for pandoc_reader users

Added a script to allow pandoc_reader users to include PlantUML diagrams
in their documents.
See Readme.rst and comments in pandoc-plantuml for usage details.
mikitex70 10 lat temu
2 zmienionych plików z 128 dodań i 0 usunięć
  1. 42 0
  2. 86 0

+ 42 - 0

@@ -78,6 +78,44 @@ order ``format``, ``classes`` anmd ``alt``. The general syntax for option is
 Option can be enclosed with single or double quotes, as you like.
 Option can be enclosed with single or double quotes, as you like.
 Options defaults are the same as for the rst plugin.
 Options defaults are the same as for the rst plugin.
+For pandoc_reader plugin users
+The plugin ``pandoc_reader`` sends the Markdown body to the pandoc_ tool which has it's own Markdown parser, written
+in Haskell_ language: Python_ plugins manipulating Markdown posts (such this) are not used because the entire body
+id passed to pandoc_ without any iteraction by Pelican_.
+For those who are using the ``pandoc_reader`` plugin and wants to include PlantUML_ diagrams, use the
+``pandoc-plantuml`` script (only *nix, sorry): it is a wrapper for filtering the code blocks parsed by pandoc_ before
+writing out the converted file.
+It is an adaption of the great work by Kurt Bonne for his
+`pandoc-plantuml-filter <>`_.
+To use it, copy the ``pandoc-plantuml`` file in a subdirectory of your pelican project (for example `pandoc_extensions`)
+and make sure it is executable (``chmod +x pandoc-plantuml``).
+In the ```` configure the needed plugins:
+.. code-block:: python
+    PLUGINS = ['pandoc_reader'] // Yes, plantuml plugin non necessary
+    PANDOC_ARGS = ['--filter=pandoc_extensions/pandoc-plantuml']
+In Markdown posts use the following syntax to include PlantUML_ diagrams:
+.. code-block:: markdown
+    ```plantuml
+    @startuml
+      Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
+      Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response
+      Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
+      Alice <-- Bob: another authentication Response
+    @enduml
+    ```
+Rendered images will bu put in the output/images folder.
 The plugin can produce debugging informations to help to locate errors. To enable debugging
 The plugin can produce debugging informations to help to locate errors. To enable debugging
@@ -196,3 +234,7 @@ Generated image:
 .. _layman:
 .. _layman:
 .. _Graphviz:
 .. _Graphviz:
 .. _Pyhton-Markdown:
 .. _Pyhton-Markdown:
+.. _pandoc:
+.. _Haskell:
+.. _Python::
+.. _Pelican:

+ 86 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+  Script adapted from pandoc-plantuml-filter by Kurt Bonne
+  Original source at
+  This script is meant to be run by pandoc executed by the pandoc_reader pelican plugin.
+  I've changed output paths to be compatibile with pelican output structure.
+  If using the pandoc_reader pelican plugin with this script, the plantuml plugin is not necessary.
+  Installation:
+  -------------
+    This script requires Haskell, but if you are using pandoc, it's already installed :-)
+    Copy this file in your pelican project, in the same directory of, and make sure it is executable.
+    In the configure the need plugins:
+      PLUGINS = ['pandoc_reader']
+      PANDOC_ARGS = ['--filter=pandoc-plantuml']
+    If this script will be putted in a different location, adapt the PANDOC_ARGS value.
+  Usage:
+  ------
+    In Markdown posts use the following syntax to include PlantUML diagrams:
+    ```plantuml
+    @startuml
+       Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
+       Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response
+       Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
+       Alice <-- Bob: another authentication Response
+    @enduml
+    ```
+    Rendered images will bu put in the output/images folder.
+import Text.Pandoc.JSON
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy (hGetContents, hPut)
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 (fromString)
+import Data.Digest.Pure.SHA (sha1, showDigest)
+import System.IO (hClose, hPutStr, IOMode(..), openBinaryFile)
+import System.Process
+import System.Directory
+processBlocks :: Block -> IO Block
+processBlocks b =
+  case b of
+    CodeBlock (_ , ["plantuml"], _) content -> plantUMLToImg content
+    _ -> return b
+plantUMLToImg :: String -> IO Block
+plantUMLToImg content =  do
+  path <- renderImage content
+  return $ Para [Image [] (path, "")]
+renderImage :: String -> IO String
+renderImage content = do
+  createDirectoryIfMissing (True) "output/images"
+  let path = uniqueName content ++ ".png"
+  (Just hIn, Just hOut, _, _) <-
+    createProcess (proc "plantuml" ["-pipe", "-tepg"]){ std_in = CreatePipe,
+                                                        std_out = CreatePipe }
+  hPutStr hIn content
+  hClose hIn
+  let outPath = "output/images/" ++ path
+  hFile <- openBinaryFile outPath WriteMode
+  img <- hGetContents hOut
+  hPut hFile img
+  hClose hFile
+  hClose hOut
+  let imgPath = "images/" ++ path
+  return imgPath
+uniqueName :: String -> String
+uniqueName = showDigest . sha1 . fromString
+main :: IO ()
+main = toJSONFilter processBlocks