pandoc-plantuml 2.5 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/runhaskell
  2. {-|
  3. Script adapted from pandoc-plantuml-filter by Kurt Bonne
  4. Original source at
  5. This script is meant to be run by pandoc executed by the pandoc_reader pelican plugin.
  6. I've changed output paths to be compatibile with pelican output structure.
  7. If using the pandoc_reader pelican plugin with this script, the plantuml plugin is not necessary.
  8. Installation:
  9. -------------
  10. This script requires Haskell, but if you are using pandoc, it's already installed :-)
  11. Copy this file in your pelican project, in the same directory of, and make sure it is executable.
  12. In the configure the need plugins:
  13. PLUGINS = ['pandoc_reader']
  14. PANDOC_ARGS = ['--filter=pandoc-plantuml']
  15. If this script will be putted in a different location, adapt the PANDOC_ARGS value.
  16. Usage:
  17. ------
  18. In Markdown posts use the following syntax to include PlantUML diagrams:
  19. ```plantuml
  20. @startuml
  21. Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
  22. Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response
  23. Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
  24. Alice <-- Bob: another authentication Response
  25. @enduml
  26. ```
  27. Rendered images will bu put in the output/images folder.
  28. -}
  29. import Text.Pandoc.JSON
  30. import Data.ByteString.Lazy (hGetContents, hPut)
  31. import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 (fromString)
  32. import Data.Digest.Pure.SHA (sha1, showDigest)
  33. import System.IO (hClose, hPutStr, IOMode(..), openBinaryFile)
  34. import System.Process
  35. import System.Directory
  36. processBlocks :: Block -> IO Block
  37. processBlocks b =
  38. case b of
  39. CodeBlock (_ , ["plantuml"], _) content -> plantUMLToImg content
  40. _ -> return b
  41. plantUMLToImg :: String -> IO Block
  42. plantUMLToImg content = do
  43. path <- renderImage content
  44. return $ Para [Image [] (path, "")]
  45. renderImage :: String -> IO String
  46. renderImage content = do
  47. createDirectoryIfMissing (True) "output/images"
  48. let path = uniqueName content ++ ".png"
  49. (Just hIn, Just hOut, _, _) <-
  50. createProcess (proc "plantuml" ["-pipe", "-tepg"]){ std_in = CreatePipe,
  51. std_out = CreatePipe }
  52. hPutStr hIn content
  53. hClose hIn
  54. let outPath = "output/images/" ++ path
  55. hFile <- openBinaryFile outPath WriteMode
  56. img <- hGetContents hOut
  57. hPut hFile img
  58. hClose hFile
  59. hClose hOut
  60. let imgPath = "images/" ++ path
  61. return imgPath
  62. uniqueName :: String -> String
  63. uniqueName = showDigest . sha1 . fromString
  64. main :: IO ()
  65. main = toJSONFilter processBlocks