@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
\item Tight (eff. $\sim 70\%$)
\item The 80X-tuned ID is recommended for 2016 data.
- \item For now, the same holds for 2017 data. New IDs will be tuned when more data is available. (expected by end of the year)
+ \item For now, the same holds for 2017 data. New IDs will be tuned when more data is available. (expected by late fall)
\item See Ilya's \href{https://indico.cern.ch/event/647765/contributions/2632811/attachments/1480145/2294932/talk_egmIDs_on_90X.pdf}{talk} for more information on 2016 IDs with 2017 MC.
\item {\footnotesize \url{twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/CutBasedElectronIdentificationRun2}}