thesis.tex 6.5 KB

  1. %%
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  6. %%
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  103. %% Start formatting the first few special pages
  104. %% frontmatter is needed to set the page numbering correctly
  105. \frontmatter
  106. \title{Measurement of the production cross section of four top quarks in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV}
  107. \author{Caleb Fangmeier}
  108. \adviser{Frank Golf}
  109. \adviserAbstract{Professor Frank Golf}
  110. \major{Physics and Astronomy}
  111. \degreemonth{December}
  112. \degreeyear{2019}
  113. %%
  114. %% For most people the defaults will be correct, so they are commented
  115. %% out. To manually set these, just uncomment and make the needed
  116. %% changes.
  117. %% \college{Your college}
  118. %% \city{Your City}
  119. %%
  120. %% For most people the following can be changed with a class
  121. %% option. To manually set these, just uncomment the following and
  122. %% make the needed changes.
  123. %% \doctype{Thesis or Dissertation}
  124. %% \degree{Your degree}
  125. %% \degreeabbreviation{Your degree abbr.}
  126. %%
  127. %% Now that we know everything we need, we can generate the title page
  128. %% itself.
  129. %%
  130. \maketitle
  131. %%
  132. %% You have a maximum of 350 words for your abstract, which includes
  133. %% your title, name, etc.
  134. %%
  135. %% Required
  136. \begin{abstract}
  137. \input{00_abstract}
  138. \end{abstract}
  139. %% Optional
  140. %% \begin{copyrightpage}
  141. %% \end{copyrightpage}
  142. %% Optional
  143. \begin{dedication}
  144. For mom, who taught me to finish what I start.
  145. \end{dedication}
  146. %% Optional
  147. \begin{acknowledgments}
  148. I would like to begin by recognizing my fellow grad students, especially Joaquin Siado Castaneda, Jose Monroy Montañez, Rami Kamalieddin, and Paulo Costa, without whose camaraderie and collaboration on coursework and research, I would have surely lost my mind at some point during the trials of grad school. I would also like to recognize current and past HEP faculty at UNL:~Ken Bloom, Dan Claes, Aaron Dominguez, Frank Golf, Peisi Huang, Ilya Kravchenko, and Greg Snow, as well as the post-docs that helped make the Phase I upgrade project a success: Frank Meier and Rachel Bartek and the technicians in the electronics shop: Bob Kelty, Brian Farleigh, and Anatoly Miranov. Finally, I need to thank my family and friends, including the Slazoom Crew and our loyal listener, for their reliable support and efforts to keep me grounded.
  149. \end{acknowledgments}
  150. %% Optional
  151. %% \begin{grantinfo}
  152. %% \end{grantinfo}
  153. %% The ToC is required
  154. %% Uncomment these if need be
  155. %% The ToC is required
  156. \tableofcontents
  157. %% Uncomment these if need be
  158. % \listoffigures
  159. % \listoftables
  160. %%
  161. %% ``Real'' beginning of the document.
  162. %% mainmatter is needed to set the page numbering correctly
  163. %% mainmatter is needed after the ToC, (LoF, and LoT) to set the
  164. %% page numbering correctly for the main body
  165. \mainmatter%
  166. %% Thesis goes here
  167. \include{01_introduction}
  168. \include{02_standard_model}
  169. \include{03_lhc_and_cms_detector}
  170. \include{04_simulation_and_reconstruction}
  171. \include{05_tttt_measurement}
  172. \include{06_pixel_assembly}
  173. \include{07_conclusion}
  174. %% backmatter is needed at the end of the main body of your thesis to
  175. %% set up page numbering correctly for the remainder of the thesis
  176. \backmatter%
  177. %% Start the correct formatting for the appendices
  178. \appendix
  179. %% Appendices go here (if you have them)
  180. %% Bibliography goes here (You better have one)
  181. %% BibTeX is your friend
  182. \printbibliography%
  183. %% Index go here (if you have one)
  184. \end{document}
  185. \endinput
  186. %%
  187. %% End of file `skeleton.tex'.