DPF2019_template.tex 3.7 KB

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  4. % based on template from here: https://www.slac.stanford.edu/econf/editors/eprint-template/instructions.html
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  7. \documentclass[11pt]{article}
  8. \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry}
  9. \usepackage{graphicx}
  10. \input econfmacros.tex %contains macros used in this document
  11. \def\Title#1{\begin{center} {\Large {\bf #1} } \end{center}}
  12. \def\Author#1{\begin{center} {\normalsize {\sc #1} } \end{center}}
  13. \def\Institution#1{\begin{center} {\normalsize {\it #1} } \end{center}}
  14. \def\Abstract#1{\noindent {\normalsize {\bf Abstract:} {\normalfont #1}}}
  15. \def\Conference{\vspace{4mm}\begin{raggedright} {\normalsize {\it Talk presented at the 2019 Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society (DPF2019), July 29--August 2, 2019, Northeastern University, Boston, C1907293.} } \end{raggedright}\vspace{4mm}}
  16. \begin{document}
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  22. \Title{Search for Standard Model Production of Four Top Quarks}
  23. \Author{Caleb Fangmeier}
  24. \Institution{Department of Physics and Astronomy\\ University of Nebraska-Lincoln}
  25. \Abstract{This talk describes efforts towards a first measurement of the standard model production of four top quarks with results based on up to the full Run 2 dataset. It includes implications of this measurement to constrain properties of the Higgs Boson and new physics scenarios including dark matter.}
  26. \Conference%
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  32. \section{Introduction}
  33. Four top quark production is a rare Standard Model process with a cross section of $\sigma\left(\mathrm{pp}\rightarrow t\bar{t}t\bar{t}\right)=12\mathrm{fb}$ calculated at next-to-leading order at 13TeV center of mass energy\cite{}. The dominant production mode of $t\bar{t}t\bar{t}$ at the LHC is through QCD diagrams such as those shown in Figure~\ref{fig:feyn_qcd}.
  34. \begin{figure}[htb]
  35. \centering
  36. \includegraphics[height=1.5in]{figures/image4.png}
  37. \includegraphics[height=1.5in]{figures/image9.png}
  38. \caption{Some representative QCD production diagrams for four top quarks}
  39. \label{fig:feyn_qcd}
  40. \end{figure}
  41. \section{Event Selection and Background Estimation}
  42. \section{Results}
  43. \section{Interpretation}
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  48. %\begin{figure}[htb]
  49. %\centering
  50. %\includegraphics[height=1.5in]{magnet}
  51. %\caption{Plan of the magnet used in the mesmeric studies.}
  52. %\label{fig:magnet}
  53. %\end{figure}
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  57. %%% use this format to include a LaTeX table into your paper
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  59. %\begin{table}[t]
  60. %\begin{center}
  61. %\begin{tabular}{l|ccc} \hline
  62. %Patient & Initial level($\mu$g/cc) & w. Magnet &
  63. %w. Magnet and Sound \\ \hline
  64. % Guglielmo B. & 0.12 & 0.10 & 0.001 \\
  65. % Ferrando di N. & 0.15 & 0.11 & $< 0.0005$ \\ \hline
  66. %\end{tabular}
  67. %\caption{Blood cyanide levels for the two patients.}
  68. %\label{tab:blood}
  69. %\end{center}
  70. %\end{table}
  71. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  72. \section*{Acknowledgements}
  73. TODO
  74. \begin{thebibliography}{99}
  75. \end{thebibliography}
  76. \end{document}