thesis.tex 5.7 KB

  1. %%
  2. %% This is file `skeleton.tex',
  3. %% generated with the docstrip utility.
  4. %%
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  6. %%
  7. %% nuthesis.dtx (with options: `skeleton')
  8. %%
  9. % rubber: module pdftex
  10. %%
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  99. % Adds line numbers. Comment out for final draft
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  102. \begin{document}
  103. %% Start formatting the first few special pages
  104. %% frontmatter is needed to set the page numbering correctly
  105. \frontmatter
  106. \title{Measurement of the production cross section of four top quarks in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV}
  107. \author{Caleb Fangmeier}
  108. \adviser{Frank Golf}
  109. \adviserAbstract{Professor Frank Golf}
  110. \major{Physics and Astronomy}
  111. \degreemonth{December}
  112. \degreeyear{2019}
  113. %%
  114. %% For most people the defaults will be correct, so they are commented
  115. %% out. To manually set these, just uncomment and make the needed
  116. %% changes.
  117. %% \college{Your college}
  118. %% \city{Your City}
  119. %%
  120. %% For most people the following can be changed with a class
  121. %% option. To manually set these, just uncomment the following and
  122. %% make the needed changes.
  123. %% \doctype{Thesis or Dissertation}
  124. %% \degree{Your degree}
  125. %% \degreeabbreviation{Your degree abbr.}
  126. %%
  127. %% Now that we know everything we need, we can generate the title page
  128. %% itself.
  129. %%
  130. \maketitle
  131. %%
  132. %% You have a maximum of 350 words for your abstract, which includes
  133. %% your title, name, etc.
  134. %%
  135. %% Required
  136. \begin{abstract}
  137. \input{00_abstract}
  138. \end{abstract}
  139. %% Optional
  140. %% \begin{copyrightpage}
  141. %% \end{copyrightpage}
  142. %% Optional
  143. %% \begin{dedication}
  144. %% \end{dedication}
  145. %% Optional
  146. %% \begin{acknowledgments}
  147. %% \end{acknowledgments}
  148. %% Optional
  149. %% \begin{grantinfo}
  150. %% \end{grantinfo}
  151. %% The ToC is required
  152. %% Uncomment these if need be
  153. %% The ToC is required
  154. \tableofcontents
  155. %% Uncomment these if need be
  156. % \listoffigures
  157. % \listoftables
  158. %%
  159. %% ``Real'' beginning of the document.
  160. %% mainmatter is needed to set the page numbering correctly
  161. %% mainmatter is needed after the ToC, (LoF, and LoT) to set the
  162. %% page numbering correctly for the main body
  163. \mainmatter%
  164. %% Thesis goes here
  165. \include{01_introduction}
  166. \include{02_standard_model}
  167. \include{03_lhc_and_cms_detector}
  168. \include{04_simulation_and_reconstruction}
  169. \include{05_tttt_measurement}
  170. \include{06_pixel_assembly}
  171. \include{07_conclusion}
  172. %% backmatter is needed at the end of the main body of your thesis to
  173. %% set up page numbering correctly for the remainder of the thesis
  174. \backmatter%
  175. %% Start the correct formatting for the appendices
  176. \appendix
  177. %% Appendices go here (if you have them)
  178. %% Bibliography goes here (You better have one)
  179. %% BibTeX is your friend
  180. \printbibliography%
  181. %% Index go here (if you have one)
  182. \end{document}
  183. \endinput
  184. %%
  185. %% End of file `skeleton.tex'.