PY?=python3 PELICAN?=pelican PELICANOPTS= BASEDIR=$(CURDIR) INPUTDIR=$(BASEDIR)/content BUILDDIR=$(BASEDIR)/build OUTPUTDIR=$(BASEDIR)/output CONFFILE=$(BASEDIR)/ PUBLISHCONF=$(BASEDIR)/ SSH_PORT=22 SSH_USER=caleb SSH_TARGET_DIR=/var/www/thesis DEBUG ?= 0 ifeq ($(DEBUG), 1) PELICANOPTS += -D endif RELATIVE ?= 0 ifeq ($(RELATIVE), 1) PELICANOPTS += --relative-urls endif help: @echo 'Makefile for a pelican Web site ' @echo ' ' @echo 'Usage: ' @echo ' make html (re)generate the web site ' @echo ' make pdf (re)generate the pdf ' @echo ' make clean remove the generated files ' @echo ' make publish generate using production settings ' @echo ' make serve [PORT=8000] serve site at http://localhost:8000' @echo ' make rsync_upload upload the web site via rsync+ssh ' @echo ' ' @echo 'Set the DEBUG variable to 1 to enable debugging, e.g. make DEBUG=1 html ' @echo 'Set the RELATIVE variable to 1 to enable relative urls ' @echo ' ' build/%.html: content/ @./ $*.md html build/%.tex: content/ @./ $*.md tex 00_html: build/00_abstract.html 01_html: build/01_introduction.html 02_html: build/02_standard_model.html 03_html: build/03_lhc_and_cms_detector.html 04_html: build/04_simulation_and_reconstruction.html 05_html: build/05_tttt_measurement.html 06_html: build/06_pixel_assembly.html 00_tex: build/00_abstract.tex 01_tex: build/01_introduction.tex 02_tex: build/02_standard_model.tex 03_tex: build/03_lhc_and_cms_detector.tex 04_tex: build/04_simulation_and_reconstruction.tex 05_tex: build/05_tttt_measurement.tex 06_tex: build/06_pixel_assembly.tex html: 00_html 01_html 02_html 03_html 04_html 05_html 06_html $(PELICAN) $(BUILDDIR) -o $(OUTPUTDIR) -s $(CONFFILE) $(PELICANOPTS) pdf: 00_tex 01_tex 02_tex 03_tex 04_tex 05_tex 06_tex cd $(BUILDDIR); rubber thesis clean: [ ! -d $(OUTPUTDIR) ] || rm -rf $(OUTPUTDIR) cd $(BUILDDIR); git clean -f -X publish: html pdf $(PELICAN) $(BUILDDIR) -o $(OUTPUTDIR) -s $(PUBLISHCONF) $(PELICANOPTS) [ -f $(BUILDDIR)/thesis.pdf ] && cp $(BUILDDIR)/thesis.pdf $(OUTPUTDIR) serve: ifdef PORT cd $(OUTPUTDIR) && $(PY) -m pelican.server $(PORT) else cd $(OUTPUTDIR) && $(PY) -m pelican.server endif pubserve: publish ifdef PORT cd $(OUTPUTDIR) && $(PY) -m pelican.server $(PORT) else cd $(OUTPUTDIR) && $(PY) -m pelican.server endif rsync_upload: publish rsync -e "ssh -p $(SSH_PORT)" -P -rvzc --delete $(OUTPUTDIR)/ $(SSH_USER)@$(SSH_HOST):$(SSH_TARGET_DIR) --cvs-exclude .PHONY: html pdf help clean serve publish rsync_upload