Caleb Fangmeier 5 years ago

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 	year = {2015},
+	Month = {{feb}},
+	Publisher = {{Springer Nature}},
+	Url = {{}},
+	author = {Frederix, Rikkert and Pagani, Davide and Zaro, Marco},
+	title = {{Large NLO corrections in $t\bar{t}W^\pm$ and $t\bar{t}t\bar{t}$ hadroproduction from supposedly subleading EW contributions}},
+	journal = {{Journal of High Energy Physics}},
+	volume = {2018},
+	number = {2},
+	year = {2018},
+	doi = {10.1007/jhep02(2018)031},

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+			<bib_title>Large NLO corrections in $t\bar{t}W^\pm$ and $t\bar{t}t\bar{t}$ hadroproduction from supposedly subleading EW contributions</bib_title>
+			<bib_authors>Frederix, Rikkert and Pagani, Davide and Zaro, Marco</bib_authors>
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+			<bib_volume>2018</bib_volume>
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