README.rst 660 B

  1. Pelican ``headerid`` plugin
  2. ===========================
  3. This plugin adds an anchor to each heading so you can deep-link to headers.
  4. It is intended for formats such as reStructuredText that do not natively
  5. generate these anchors.
  6. The ``HEADERID_LINK_CHAR`` config can be set to use a different char from ``*``
  7. for anchor text.
  8. For Markdown, this plugin is less relevant since the Python-Markdown library
  9. includes a Table of Contents extension that will generate link anchors.
  10. To enable the ``toc`` extension, add a line similar to the following example
  11. to your Pelican settings file::
  12. MD_EXTENSIONS = ["codehilite(css_class=highlight)", "extra", "toc"]