Readme.rst 8.5 KB

  1. Pelican Plugins
  2. ###############
  3. Beginning with version 3.0, Pelican supports plugins. Plugins are a way to add
  4. features to Pelican without having to directly modify the Pelican core. Starting
  5. with 3.2, all plugins (including the ones previously in the core) are
  6. moved here, so this is the central place for all plugins.
  7. How to use plugins
  8. ==================
  9. Easiest way to install and use these plugins is cloning this repo::
  10. git clone --recursive
  11. and activating the ones you want in your settings file::
  12. PLUGIN_PATHS = ['path/to/pelican-plugins']
  13. PLUGINS = ['assets', 'sitemap', 'gravatar']
  14. ``PLUGIN_PATHS`` can be a path relative to your settings file or an absolute path.
  15. Alternatively, if plugins are in an importable path, you can omit ``PLUGIN_PATHS``
  16. and list them::
  17. PLUGINS = ['assets', 'sitemap', 'gravatar']
  18. or you can ``import`` the plugin directly and give that::
  19. import my_plugin
  20. PLUGINS = [my_plugin, 'assets']
  21. Plugin descriptions
  22. ===================
  23. ======================== ===========================================================
  24. Plugin Description
  25. ======================== ===========================================================
  26. Always modified Copy created date metadata into modified date for easy "latest updates" indexes
  27. AsciiDoc reader Use AsciiDoc to write your posts.
  28. Asset management Use the Webassets module to manage assets such as CSS and JS files.
  29. Auto Pages Generate custom content for generated Author, Category, and Tag pages (e.g. author biography)
  30. Better code samples Wraps all `table` blocks with a class attribute `.codehilitetable` in an additional `div` of class `.hilitewrapper`. It thus permits to style codeblocks better, especially to make them scrollable.
  31. Better figures/samples Adds a `style="width: ???px; height: auto;"` attribute to any `<img>` tags in the content
  32. bootstrapify Automatically add bootstraps default classes to your content, usefull for md generated tables
  33. CJK auto spacing Inserts spaces between Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters and English words
  34. Clean summary Cleans your summary of excess images
  35. Code include Includes Pygments highlighted code in reStructuredText
  36. Collate content Makes categories of content available to the template as lists through a `collations` attribute
  37. Creole reader Allows you to write your posts using the wikicreole syntax
  38. Custom article URLs Adds support for defining different default URLs for different categories
  39. Disqus static comments Adds a disqus_comments property to all articles. Comments are fetched at generation time using disqus API
  40. Extract table of content Extracts table of contents (ToC) from `article.content`
  41. Feed Summary Allows article summaries to be used in ATOM and RSS feeds instead of the entire article
  42. Filetime from git Uses git commit to determine page date
  43. Gallery Allows an article to contain an album of pictures
  44. Gist directive This plugin adds a ``gist`` reStructuredText directive.
  45. GitHub activity On the template side, you just have to iterate over the ``github_activity`` variable
  46. Global license Allows you to define a ``LICENSE`` setting and adds the contents of that license variable to the article's context
  47. Goodreads activity Lists books from your Goodreads shelves
  48. GooglePlus comments Adds GooglePlus comments to Pelican
  49. Gravatar Assigns the ``author_gravatar`` variable to the Gravatar URL and makes the variable available within the article's context
  50. Gzip cache Enables certain web servers (e.g., Nginx) to use a static cache of gzip-compressed files to prevent the server from compressing files during an HTTP call
  51. Headerid This plugin adds an anchor to each heading so you can deeplink to headers in reStructuredText articles.
  52. HTML entities Allows you to enter HTML entities such as &copy;, &lt;, &#149; inline in a RST document
  53. HTML tags for rST Allows you to use HTML tags from within reST documents
  54. I18N Sub-sites Extends the translations functionality by creating internationalized sub-sites for the default site
  55. ical Looks for and parses an ``.ics`` file if it is defined in a given page's ``calendar`` metadata.
  56. Image Process Automates the processing of images based on their class attributes
  57. Interlinks Lets you add frequently used URLs to your markup using short keywords
  58. Libravatar Allows inclusion of user profile pictures from
  59. Liquid-style tags Allows liquid-style tags to be inserted into markdown within Pelican documents
  60. Multi parts posts Allows you to write multi-part posts
  61. Markdown Inline Extend Enables you to add customize inline patterns to your markdown
  62. Neighbor articles Adds ``next_article`` (newer) and ``prev_article`` (older) variables to the article's context
  63. Open graph Generates Open Graph tags for your articles
  64. Optimize images Applies lossless compression on JPEG and PNG images
  65. PDF generator Automatically exports RST articles and pages as PDF files
  66. Pelican-flickr Brings your Flickr photos & sets into your static website
  67. pelican_javascript Allows you to embed Javascript and CSS files into individual articles
  68. pelican-toc Generates a Table of Contents and make it available to the theme via article.toc
  69. Pelican Gist tag Easily embed GitHub Gists in your Pelican articles
  70. Pelican Page Order Adds a ``page_order`` attribute to all pages if one is not defined.
  71. Pelican comment system Allows you to add static comments to your articles
  72. Pelican Vimeo Enables you to embed Vimeo videos in your pages and articles
  73. Pelican YouTube Enables you to embed YouTube videos in your pages and articles
  74. pelicanfly Lets you type things like `i ♥ :fa-coffee:` in your Markdown documents and have it come out as little Font Awesome icons in the browser
  75. Pin to top Pin Pelican's article(s) to top "Sticky article"
  76. PlantUML Allows you to define UML diagrams directly into rst documents using the great PlantUML tool
  77. Post statistics Calculates various statistics about a post and store them in an article.stats dictionary
  78. Random article Generates a html file which redirect to a random article
  79. Read More link Inserts an inline "read more" or "continue" link into the last html element of the object summary
  80. Related posts Adds the ``related_posts`` variable to the article's context
  81. Markdown-metaYAML Pelican reader to enable YAML-style metadata in markdown articles
  82. Math Render Gives pelican the ability to render mathematics
  83. Panorama Creates charts from posts metadata
  84. Replacer Replace a text of a generated HTML
  85. Representative image Extracts a representative image (i.e, featured image) from the article's summary or content
  86. Share post Creates share URLs of article
  87. Simple footnotes Adds footnotes to blog posts
  88. Sitemap Generates plain-text or XML sitemaps
  89. Slim Render theme template files via Plim, a Python port of Slim, instead of Jinja
  90. Static comments Allows you to add static comments to an article
  91. Subcategory Adds support for subcategories
  92. Summary Allows easy, variable length summaries directly embedded into the body of your articles
  93. tag_cloud Provides a tag_cloud
  94. Thumbnailer Creates thumbnails for all of the images found under a specific directory
  95. Tipue Search Serializes generated HTML to JSON that can be used by jQuery plugin - Tipue Search
  96. Touch Does a touch on your generated files using the date metadata from the content
  97. Twitter Bootstrap Defines some rst directive that enable a clean usage of the twitter bootstrap CSS and Javascript components
  98. W3C validate Submits generated HTML content to the W3C Markup Validation Service
  99. ======================== ===========================================================
  100. Please refer to the ``Readme`` file in a plugin's folder for detailed information about
  101. that plugin.
  102. Contributing a plugin
  103. =====================
  104. Please refer to the `Contributing`_ file.
  105. .. _Contributing: Contributing.rst