Add a form, which allows your visitors to easily write comments.
But more importantly, on submit the form generates a mailto-link. The resulting email contains a valid markdown block. Now you only have to copy this block in a new file. And therefore there is no need to gather the metadata (like date, author, replyto) yourself.
Add this in the "comment for loop" in your article theme, so your visitors can reply to a comment.
<button onclick="reply('{{comment.slug | urlencode}}');">Reply</button>
A basic form so your visitors can write comments.
<form role="form" id="commentForm" action="#">
<input name="Name" type="text" id="commentForm_inputName" placeholder="Enter your name or synonym">
<textarea name="Text" id="commentForm_inputText" rows="10" style="resize:vertical;" placeholder="Your comment"></textarea>
<button type="submit" id="commentForm_button">Post via email</button>
<input name="replyto" type="hidden" id="commentForm_replyto">
You may want to add a button to reset the replyto
To generate the mailto-Link and set the replyto
field there is some javascript required.
<script type="text/javascript">
function reply(id)
id = decodeURIComponent(id);
$(document).ready(function() {
function generateMailToLink()
var user = 'your_user_name'; //user@domain = your email address
var domain = 'your_email_provider';
var subject = 'Comment for \'{{ article.slug }}\'' ;
var d = new Date();
var body = ''
+ 'Hey,\nI posted a new comment on ' + document.URL + '\n\nGreetings ' + $("#commentForm_inputName").val() + '\n\n\n'
+ 'Raw comment data:\n'
+ '----------------------------------------\n'
+ 'date: ' + d.getFullYear() + '-' + (d.getMonth()+1) + '-' + d.getDate() + ' ' + d.getHours() + ':' + d.getMinutes() + '\n'
+ 'author: ' + $("#commentForm_inputName").val() + '\n';
var replyto = $('#commentForm_replyto').val();
if (replyto.length != 0)
body += 'replyto: ' + replyto + '\n'
body += '\n'
+ $("#commentForm_inputText").val() + '\n'
+ '----------------------------------------\n';
var link = 'mailto:' + user + '@' + domain + '?subject='
+ encodeURIComponent(subject)
+ "&body="
+ encodeURIComponent(body);
return link;
function( event )
$(location).attr('href', generateMailToLink());
(jQuery is required for this script)
Don't forget to set the Variables user
and domain
Comment Form (aka: never gather Metadata)