PlantUML plugin for Pelican rst and md documents
This plugin allows you to define UML diagrams directly into rst or md documents using the great
PlantUML_ tool.
It gets the content of ``uml`` directive, passes it to the external
program PlantUML_ and then links the generated image to the document.
.. contents::
You need to install PlantUML_ (see the site for details) and Graphviz_ 2.26.3 or later.
The plugin expects a program ``plantuml`` in the classpath. If not installed by your package
manager, you can create a shell script and place it somewhere in the classpath. For example,
save te following into ``/usr/local/bin/plantuml`` (supposing PlantUML_ installed into
.. code-block:: bash
java -jar /opt/plantuml/plantuml.jar ${@}
For Gentoo_ there is an ebuild at http://gpo.zugaina.org/dev-util/plantuml/RDep: you can download
the ebuild and the ``files`` subfolder or you can add the ``zugaina`` repository with _layman
Add ``plantuml`` to plugin list in ``pelicanconf.py``. For example:
.. code-block:: ptyhon
PLUGINS = [ "sitemap", "plantuml" ]
One loaded the plugin register also the Pyhton-Markdown_ extension.
RST usage
Use the ``uml`` directive to start UML diagram description. It is not necessary to enclose
diagram body between ``@startuml`` and ``@enduml`` directives: they are added automatically
before calling ``plantuml``.
In addition to ``class`` and
``alt`` options common to all images, you can use the ``format`` option to select what kind
of image must be produced. At the moment only ``png`` and ``svg`` are supported; the default
is ``png``.
Please note that the ``format`` option in not recognized by the ``plantuml`` extension of
``rst2pdf`` utility (call it with ``-e plantuml.py``) so if you use it you can get errors from
that program.
MD usage
For use with the Pyhton-Markdown_ syntax, the UML block must be enclose with ``::uml::``:
.. code-block:: markdown
::uml:: [format=...] [classes=...] [alt=...]
PlantUML script
Please keep a blank line before ``::uml::`` and after ``::end-uml::`` to be sure that the UML code will be correctly
See Examples_ for more details.
With MD syntax options must be specified in the same line as the opening ``:uml::``, with the
order ``format``, ``classes`` anmd ``alt``. The general syntax for option is
.. code-block:: text
Option can be enclosed with single or double quotes, as you like.
Options defaults are the same as for the rst plugin.
The plugin can produce debugging informations to help to locate errors. To enable debugging
execute ``pelican`` in debug mode:
.. code-block:: console
make DEBUG=1 html
Sequence diagram (from PlantUML_ site):
.. code-block:: rst
.. uml::
:alt: Sample sequence diagram
participant User
User -> A: DoWork
activate A #FFBBBB
A -> A: Internal call
activate A #DarkSalmon
A -> B: << createRequest >>
activate B
B --> A: RequestCreated
deactivate B
deactivate A
A -> User: Done
deactivate A
.. image:: http://plantuml.sourceforge.net/imgp/sequence_022.png
:alt: Sample sequence diagram
Same diagram with Pyhton-Markdown_ syntax:
.. code-block:: markdown
::uml:: format="png" alt="Sample sequence diagram"
participant User
User -> A: DoWork
activate A #FFBBBB
A -> A: Internal call
activate A #DarkSalmon
A -> B: << createRequest >>
activate B
B --> A: RequestCreated
deactivate B
deactivate A
A -> User: Done
deactivate A
Another example from PlantUML_ site (activity diagram):
.. code-block:: rst
.. uml::
:new page;
if (Page.onSecurityCheck) then (true)
if (isForward?) then (no)
:Process controls;
if (continue processing?) then (no)
if (isPost?) then (yes)
else (no)
else (false)
if (do redirect?) then (yes)
:redirect process;
if (do forward?) then (yes)
:Forward request;
else (no)
:Render page template;
Generated image:
.. image:: http://plantuml.sourceforge.net/imgp/activity2_009.png
:alt: Sample activity diagram
.. _PlantUML: http://plantuml.sourceforge.net
.. _Sabayon: http://www.sabayon.org
.. _Gentoo: http://www.gentoo.org
.. _layman: http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Layman
.. _Graphviz: http://www.graphviz.org
.. _Pyhton-Markdown: http://pythonhosted.org/Markdown