123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354 |
- Summary
- This plugin allows easy, variable length summaries directly embedded into the
- body of your articles. It introduces two new settings: ``SUMMARY_BEGIN_MARKER``
- and ``SUMMARY_END_MARKER``: strings which can be placed directly into an article
- to mark the beginning and end of a summary. When found, the standard
- ``SUMMARY_MAX_LENGTH`` setting will be ignored. The markers themselves will also
- be removed from your articles before they are published. The default values
- are ``<!
- For example::
- Title: My super title
- Date: 2010-12-03 10:20
- Tags: thats, awesome
- Category: yeah
- Slug: my-super-post
- Author: Alexis Metaireau
- This is the content of my super blog post.
- <!
- and this content occurs after the summary.
- Here, the summary is taken to be the first line of the post. Because no
- beginning marker was found, it starts at the top of the body. It is possible
- to leave out the end marker instead, in which case the summary will start at the
- beginning marker and continue to the end of the body.
- The plugin also sets a ``has_summary`` attribute on every article. It is True
- for articles with an explicitly-defined summary, and False otherwise. (It is
- also False for an article truncated by ``SUMMARY_MAX_LENGTH``.) Your templates
- can use this e.g. to add a link to the full text at the end of the summary.
- reST example
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Inserting the markers into a reStructuredText document makes use of the
- comment directive, because raw HTML is automatically escaped. The reST equivalent of the above Markdown example looks like this::
- My super title
- ##############
- :date: 2010-12-03 10:20
- :tags: thats, awesome
- :category: yeah
- :slug: my-super-post
- :author: Alexis Metaireau
- This is the content of my super blog post.
- and this content occurs after the summary.