9.9 KB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. from __future__ import unicode_literals
  3. import os
  4. import re
  5. import logging
  6. from pelican import signals
  7. from pelican.utils import pelican_open
  8. from PIL import Image, ExifTags
  9. from itertools import chain
  10. logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
  11. queue_resize = dict()
  12. hrefs = None
  13. def initialized(pelican):
  14. p = os.path.expanduser('~/Pictures')
  15. from pelican.settings import DEFAULT_CONFIG
  16. DEFAULT_CONFIG.setdefault('PHOTO_LIBRARY', p)
  17. DEFAULT_CONFIG.setdefault('PHOTO_GALLERY', (1024, 768, 80))
  18. DEFAULT_CONFIG.setdefault('PHOTO_ARTICLE', ( 760, 506, 80))
  19. DEFAULT_CONFIG.setdefault('PHOTO_THUMB', ( 192, 144, 60))
  20. if pelican:
  21. pelican.settings.setdefault('PHOTO_LIBRARY', p)
  22. pelican.settings.setdefault('PHOTO_GALLERY', (1024, 768, 80))
  23. pelican.settings.setdefault('PHOTO_ARTICLE', ( 760, 506, 80))
  24. pelican.settings.setdefault('PHOTO_THUMB', ( 192, 144, 60))
  25. def read_notes(filename, msg=None):
  26. notes = {}
  27. try:
  28. with pelican_open(filename) as text:
  29. for line in text.splitlines():
  30. m = line.split(':', 1)
  31. if len(m) > 1:
  32. pic = m[0].strip()
  33. note = m[1].strip()
  34. if pic and note:
  35. notes[pic] = note
  36. except:
  37. if msg:
  38. logger.warning(msg, filename)
  39. return notes
  40. def enqueue_resize(orig, resized, spec=(640, 480, 80)):
  41. global queue_resize
  42. if resized not in queue_resize:
  43. queue_resize[resized] = (orig, spec)
  44. elif queue_resize[resized] != (orig, spec):
  45. logger.error('photos: resize conflict for {}, {}-{} is not {}-{}',
  46. resized,
  47. queue_resize[resized][0], queue_resize[resized][1],
  48. orig, spec)
  49. def resize_photos(generator, writer):
  50. print('photos: {} photo resizes to consider.'
  51. .format(len(queue_resize.items())))
  52. for resized, what in queue_resize.items():
  53. resized = os.path.join(generator.output_path, resized)
  54. orig, spec = what
  55. if (not os.path.isfile(resized) or
  56. os.path.getmtime(orig) > os.path.getmtime(resized)):
  57.'photos: make photo %s -> %s', orig, resized)
  58. im =
  59. try:
  60. exif = im._getexif()
  61. except Exception:
  62. exif = None
  63. if exif:
  64. for tag, value in exif.items():
  65. decoded = ExifTags.TAGS.get(tag, tag)
  66. if decoded == 'Orientation':
  67. if value == 3: im = im.rotate(180)
  68. elif value == 6: im = im.rotate(270)
  69. elif value == 8: im = im.rotate(90)
  70. break
  71. im.thumbnail((spec[0], spec[1]), Image.ANTIALIAS)
  72. try:
  73. os.makedirs(os.path.split(resized)[0])
  74. except:
  75. pass
  76., 'JPEG', quality=spec[2])
  77. def detect_content(content):
  78. def replacer(m):
  79. what ='what')
  80. value ='value')
  81. origin ='path')
  82. if what == 'photo':
  83. if value.startswith('/'):
  84. value = value[1:]
  85. path = os.path.join(settings['PHOTO_LIBRARY'], value)
  86. if not os.path.isfile(path):
  87. logger.error('photos: No photo %s', path)
  88. else:
  89. photo = os.path.splitext(value)[0].lower() + 'a.jpg'
  90. origin = os.path.join('/photos', photo)
  91. enqueue_resize(
  92. path,
  93. os.path.join('photos', photo),
  94. settings['PHOTO_ARTICLE'])
  95. return ''.join(('markup'),'quote'), origin,
  97. global hrefs
  98. if hrefs is None:
  99. regex = r"""
  100. (?P<markup><\s*[^\>]* # match tag with src and href attr
  101. (?:href|src)\s*=)
  102. (?P<quote>["\']) # require value to be quoted
  103. (?P<path>{0}(?P<value>.*?)) # the url value
  104. \2""".format(content.settings['INTRASITE_LINK_REGEX'])
  105. hrefs = re.compile(regex, re.X)
  106. if content._content and '{photo}' in content._content:
  107. settings = content.settings
  108. content._content = hrefs.sub(replacer, content._content)
  109. def process_gallery_photo(generator, article, gallery):
  110. if gallery.startswith('/'):
  111. gallery = gallery[1:]
  112. dir_gallery = os.path.join(generator.settings['PHOTO_LIBRARY'], gallery)
  113. if os.path.isdir(dir_gallery):
  114.'photos: Gallery detected: %s', gallery)
  115. dir_photo = os.path.join('photos', gallery.lower())
  116. dir_thumb = os.path.join('photos', gallery.lower())
  117. exifs = read_notes(os.path.join(dir_gallery, 'exif.txt'),
  118. msg='photos: No EXIF for gallery %s')
  119. captions = read_notes(os.path.join(dir_gallery, 'captions.txt'))
  120. article.photo_gallery = []
  121. for pic in os.listdir(dir_gallery):
  122. if pic.startswith('.'): continue
  123. if pic.endswith('.txt'): continue
  124. photo = os.path.splitext(pic)[0].lower() + '.jpg'
  125. thumb = os.path.splitext(pic)[0].lower() + 't.jpg'
  126. article.photo_gallery.append((
  127. pic,
  128. os.path.join(dir_photo, photo),
  129. os.path.join(dir_thumb, thumb),
  130. exifs.get(pic, ''),
  131. captions.get(pic, '')))
  132. enqueue_resize(
  133. os.path.join(dir_gallery, pic),
  134. os.path.join(dir_photo, photo),
  135. generator.settings['PHOTO_GALLERY'])
  136. enqueue_resize(
  137. os.path.join(dir_gallery, pic),
  138. os.path.join(dir_thumb, thumb),
  139. generator.settings['PHOTO_THUMB'])
  140. def process_gallery_filename(generator, article, gallery):
  141. if gallery.startswith('/'):
  142. gallery = gallery[1:]
  143. else:
  144. gallery = os.path.join(article.relative_dir, gallery)
  145. dir_gallery = os.path.join(generator.settings['PHOTO_LIBRARY'], gallery)
  146. if os.path.isdir(dir_gallery):
  147.'photos: Gallery detected: %s', gallery)
  148. dir_photo = gallery.lower()
  149. dir_thumb = os.path.join('photos', gallery.lower())
  150. exifs = read_notes(os.path.join(dir_gallery, 'exif.txt'),
  151. msg='photos: No EXIF for gallery %s')
  152. captions = read_notes(os.path.join(dir_gallery, 'captions.txt'))
  153. article.photo_gallery = []
  154. for pic in os.listdir(dir_gallery):
  155. if pic.startswith('.'): continue
  156. if pic.endswith('.txt'): continue
  157. photo = pic.lower()
  158. thumb = os.path.splitext(pic)[0].lower() + 't.jpg'
  159. article.photo_gallery.append((
  160. pic,
  161. os.path.join(dir_photo, photo),
  162. os.path.join(dir_thumb, thumb),
  163. exifs.get(pic, ''),
  164. captions.get(pic, '')))
  165. enqueue_resize(
  166. os.path.join(dir_gallery, pic),
  167. os.path.join(dir_thumb, thumb),
  168. generator.settings['PHOTO_THUMB'])
  169. def detect_gallery(generator):
  170. for article in chain(generator.articles, generator.drafts):
  171. if 'gallery' in article.metadata:
  172. gallery = article.metadata.get('gallery')
  173. if gallery.startswith('{photo}'):
  174. process_gallery_photo(generator, article, gallery[7:])
  175. elif gallery.startswith('{filename}'):
  176. process_gallery_filename(generator, article, gallery[10:])
  177. elif gallery:
  178. logger.error('photos: Gallery tag not recognized: %s', gallery)
  179. def process_image_photo(generator, article, image):
  180. if image.startswith('/'):
  181. image = image[1:]
  182. path = os.path.join(generator.settings['PHOTO_LIBRARY'], image)
  183. if os.path.isfile(path):
  184. photo = os.path.splitext(image)[0].lower() + 'a.jpg'
  185. thumb = os.path.splitext(image)[0].lower() + 't.jpg'
  186. article.photo_image = (
  187. os.path.basename(image).lower(),
  188. os.path.join('photos', photo),
  189. os.path.join('photos', thumb))
  190. enqueue_resize(
  191. path,
  192. os.path.join('photos', photo),
  193. generator.settings['PHOTO_ARTICLE'])
  194. enqueue_resize(
  195. path,
  196. os.path.join('photos', thumb),
  197. generator.settings['PHOTO_THUMB'])
  198. else:
  199. logger.error('photo: No photo for %s at %s', article.source_path, path)
  200. def process_image_filename(generator, article, image):
  201. if image.startswith('/'):
  202. image = image[1:]
  203. else:
  204. image = os.path.join(article.relative_dir, image)
  205. path = os.path.join(generator.path, image)
  206. if os.path.isfile(path):
  207. small = os.path.splitext(image)[0].lower() + 't.jpg'
  208. article.photo_image = (
  209. os.path.basename(image),
  210. image.lower(),
  211. os.path.join('photos', small))
  212. enqueue_resize(
  213. path,
  214. os.path.join('photos', small),
  215. generator.settings['PHOTO_THUMB'])
  216. else:
  217. logger.error('photos: No photo at %s', path)
  218. def detect_image(generator):
  219. for article in chain(generator.articles, generator.drafts):
  220. image = article.metadata.get('image', None)
  221. if image:
  222. if image.startswith('{photo}'):
  223. process_image_photo(generator, article, image[7:])
  224. elif image.startswith('{filename}'):
  225. process_image_filename(generator, article, image[10:])
  226. else:
  227. logger.error('photos: Image tag not recognized: %s', image)
  228. def register():
  229. signals.initialized.connect(initialized)
  230. signals.content_object_init.connect(detect_content)
  231. signals.article_generator_finalized.connect(detect_gallery)
  232. signals.article_generator_finalized.connect(detect_image)
  233. signals.article_writer_finalized.connect(resize_photos)