7.1 KB

  1. import os
  2. import os.path as path
  3. import re
  4. from pelican import signals
  5. import logging
  6. logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
  7. try:
  8. from PIL import Image, ImageOps
  9. enabled = True
  10. except ImportError:
  11. logging.warning("Unable to load PIL, disabling thumbnailer")
  12. enabled = False
  13. DEFAULT_IMAGE_DIR = "pictures"
  14. DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_DIR = "thumbnails"
  16. 'thumbnail_square': '150',
  17. 'thumbnail_wide': '150x?',
  18. 'thumbnail_tall': '?x150',
  19. }
  20. DEFAULT_TEMPLATE = """<a href="{url}" rel="shadowbox" title="{filename}"><img src="{thumbnail}" alt="{filename}"></a>"""
  21. DEFAULT_GALLERY_THUMB = "thumbnail_square"
  22. class _resizer(object):
  23. """ Resizes based on a text specification, see readme """
  24. REGEX = re.compile(r'(\d+|\?)x(\d+|\?)')
  25. def __init__(self, name, spec, root):
  26. self._name = name
  27. self._spec = spec
  28. # The location of input images from _image_path.
  29. self._root = root
  30. def _null_resize(self, w, h, image):
  31. return image
  32. def _exact_resize(self, w, h, image):
  33. retval =, (w,h), Image.BICUBIC)
  34. return retval
  35. def _aspect_resize(self, w, h, image):
  36. retval = image.copy()
  37. retval.thumbnail((w, h), Image.ANTIALIAS)
  38. return retval
  39. def resize(self, image):
  40. resizer = self._null_resize
  41. # Square resize and crop
  42. if 'x' not in self._spec:
  43. resizer = self._exact_resize
  44. targetw = int(self._spec)
  45. targeth = targetw
  46. else:
  47. matches =
  48. tmpw =
  49. tmph =
  50. # Full Size
  51. if tmpw == '?' and tmph == '?':
  52. targetw = image.size[0]
  53. targeth = image.size[1]
  54. resizer = self._null_resize
  55. # Set Height Size
  56. if tmpw == '?':
  57. targetw = image.size[0]
  58. targeth = int(tmph)
  59. resizer = self._aspect_resize
  60. # Set Width Size
  61. elif tmph == '?':
  62. targetw = int(tmpw)
  63. targeth = image.size[1]
  64. resizer = self._aspect_resize
  65. # Scale and Crop
  66. else:
  67. targetw = int(tmpw)
  68. targeth = int(tmph)
  69. resizer = self._exact_resize
  70. logging.debug("Using resizer {0}".format(resizer.__name__))
  71. return resizer(targetw, targeth, image)
  72. def get_thumbnail_name(self, in_path):
  73. # Find the partial path + filename beyond the input image directory.
  74. prefix = path.commonprefix([in_path, self._root])
  75. new_filename = in_path[len(prefix) + 1:]
  76. # Generate the new filename.
  77. (basename, ext) = path.splitext(new_filename)
  78. return "{0}_{1}{2}".format(basename, self._name, ext)
  79. def resize_file_to(self, in_path, out_path, keep_filename=False):
  80. """ Given a filename, resize and save the image per the specification into out_path
  81. :param in_path: path to image file to save. Must be supported by PIL
  82. :param out_path: path to the directory root for the outputted thumbnails to be stored
  83. :return: None
  84. """
  85. if keep_filename:
  86. filename = path.join(out_path, path.basename(in_path))
  87. else:
  88. filename = path.join(out_path, self.get_thumbnail_name(in_path))
  89. out_path = path.dirname(filename)
  90. if not path.exists(out_path):
  91. os.makedirs(out_path)
  92. if not path.exists(filename):
  93. try:
  94. image =
  95. thumbnail = self.resize(image)
  97."Generated Thumbnail {0}".format(path.basename(filename)))
  98. except IOError:
  99."Generating Thumbnail for {0} skipped".format(path.basename(filename)))
  100. def resize_thumbnails(pelican):
  101. """ Resize a directory tree full of images into thumbnails
  102. :param pelican: The pelican instance
  103. :return: None
  104. """
  105. global enabled
  106. if not enabled:
  107. return
  108. in_path = _image_path(pelican)
  109. sizes = pelican.settings.get('THUMBNAIL_SIZES', DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_SIZES)
  110. resizers = dict((k, _resizer(k, v, in_path)) for k,v in sizes.items())
  111. logger.debug("Thumbnailer Started")
  112. for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(in_path):
  113. for filename in filenames:
  114. if not filename.startswith('.'):
  115. for name, resizer in resizers.items():
  116. in_filename = path.join(dirpath, filename)
  117. out_path = get_out_path(pelican, in_path, in_filename, name)
  118. resizer.resize_file_to(
  119. in_filename,
  120. out_path, pelican.settings.get('THUMBNAIL_KEEP_NAME'))
  121. def get_out_path(pelican, in_path, in_filename, name):
  122. out_path = path.join(pelican.settings['OUTPUT_PATH'],
  123. pelican.settings.get('THUMBNAIL_DIR', DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_DIR))
  124. logger.debug("Processing thumbnail {0}=>{1}".format(in_filename, name))
  125. if pelican.settings.get('THUMBNAIL_KEEP_NAME', False):
  126. if pelican.settings.get('THUMBNAIL_KEEP_TREE', False):
  127. return path.join(out_path, name, path.dirname(path.relpath(in_filename, in_path)))
  128. else:
  129. return path.join(out_path, name)
  130. else:
  131. return out_path
  132. def _image_path(pelican):
  133. return path.join(pelican.settings['PATH'],
  134. pelican.settings.get("IMAGE_PATH", DEFAULT_IMAGE_DIR))
  135. def expand_gallery(generator, metadata):
  136. """ Expand a gallery tag to include all of the files in a specific directory under IMAGE_PATH
  137. :param pelican: The pelican instance
  138. :return: None
  139. """
  140. if "gallery" not in metadata or metadata['gallery'] is None:
  141. return # If no gallery specified, we do nothing
  142. lines = [ ]
  143. base_path = _image_path(generator)
  144. in_path = path.join(base_path, metadata['gallery'])
  145. template = generator.settings.get('GALLERY_TEMPLATE', DEFAULT_TEMPLATE)
  146. thumbnail_name = generator.settings.get("GALLERY_THUMBNAIL", DEFAULT_GALLERY_THUMB)
  147. thumbnail_prefix = generator.settings.get("")
  148. resizer = _resizer(thumbnail_name, '?x?')
  149. for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(in_path):
  150. for filename in filenames:
  151. if not filename.startswith('.'):
  152. url = path.join(dirpath, filename).replace(base_path, "")[1:]
  153. url = path.join('/static', generator.settings.get('IMAGE_PATH', DEFAULT_IMAGE_DIR), url).replace('\\', '/')
  154. logger.debug("GALLERY: {0}".format(url))
  155. thumbnail = resizer.get_thumbnail_name(filename)
  156. thumbnail = path.join('/', generator.settings.get('THUMBNAIL_DIR', DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_DIR), thumbnail).replace('\\', '/')
  157. lines.append(template.format(
  158. filename=filename,
  159. url=url,
  160. thumbnail=thumbnail,
  161. ))
  162. metadata['gallery_content'] = "\n".join(lines)
  163. def register():
  164. signals.finalized.connect(resize_thumbnails)
  165. signals.article_generator_context.connect(expand_gallery)