Readme.rst 1.0 KB

  1. Twitter Bootstrap Directive for restructured text
  2. -------------------------------------------------
  3. This plugin defines some rst directive that enable a clean usage of the twitter bootstrap CSS and Javascript components.
  4. Directives
  5. ----------
  6. Implemented directives:
  7. label,
  8. alert,
  9. panel,
  10. media
  11. Implemented roles:
  12. glyph,
  13. code,
  14. kbd
  15. Usage
  16. -----
  17. For more informations about the usage of each directive, read the corresponding class description.
  18. Or checkout this demo page.
  19. Dependencies
  20. ------------
  21. In order to use this plugin, you need to use a template that supports bootstrap 3.1.1 with the glyph font setup
  22. correctly. Usually you should have this structure::
  23. static
  24. ├── css
  25. | └── bootstrap.min.css
  26. ├── font
  27. | └── glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
  28. └── js
  29. └──
  30. Warning
  31. -------
  32. In order to support some unique features and avoid conflicts with bootstrap, this plugin will use a custom html writer which
  33. is modifying the traditional docutils output.