Barry Steyn b45ed2fbb8 New plugin: Customized inline html for markdown vor 10 Jahren
.. b45ed2fbb8 New plugin: Customized inline html for markdown vor 10 Jahren b45ed2fbb8 New plugin: Customized inline html for markdown vor 10 Jahren b45ed2fbb8 New plugin: Customized inline html for markdown vor 10 Jahren b45ed2fbb8 New plugin: Customized inline html for markdown vor 10 Jahren

Markdown Inline Extension For Pelican

This plugin lets you customize inline HTML within Markdown by extending Python's Markdown module.


To enable, ensure that the md_inline_extension plugin is accessible. Then add the following to

PLUGINS = ["md_inline_extension"]


By default, any Markdown text inside [*]...[*] will get wrapped in span tags with a class of pelican-inline. For example:

[*]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit[*] will become <span class="pelican-inline">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit</span>

You can create your own inline patterns and associate them with arbitrary classes and styles by using the MD_INLINE dictionary in settings. The dictionary takes a pattern as key and expects either a string or a tuple as a value. If a string is provided, then that will be the CSS class. If a tuple is provided, then the first value will be the style, and the second value (if present) will be the class. For example:

    '+=+': ('color:red;', 'my-test-class'),
    '|-|': ('color:blue;',),
    '&^': 'my-other-text-class',

The above defines three new inline patterns:

  1. +=+: Text within +=+ will be wrapped in span tags like so
  2. <span style="color:red;" class="my-test-class">...</span>
    1. |-|: Text within |-| will be wrapped in <span style="color:blue;">...</span>. Note - no class is present.
    2. &^: Text within &^ will be wrapped in <span class="my-other-text-class">...</span>. Note - no style present.