events_list.html 748 B

  1. {% extends "base.html" %}
  2. {% block title %} Events list - {{ SITENAME }}{% endblock %}
  3. {% block content %}
  4. {% if events_list %}
  5. <ul class="post-list">
  6. {% for evstart, evend, event in events_list %}
  7. <li>
  8. <p>
  9. <a href="../{{event.slug}}.html">
  10. <b>{{event['title']}}</b>
  11. </a>
  12. </p>
  13. <p>
  14. {% if == %}
  15. From {{evstart}} to {{evend.time()}}
  16. {% else %}
  17. From {{evstart}} to {{evend}}
  18. {% endif %}
  19. </p>
  20. {% if event.location %}
  21. <p>Location: {{event.location}}</p>
  22. {% endif %}
  23. <p>{{event['summary']}}</p>
  24. </li>
  25. {% endfor %}
  26. </ul>
  27. {% endif %}
  28. {% endblock %}