123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445 |
- """i18n_subsites plugin creates i18n-ized subsites of the default site
- This plugin is designed for Pelican 3.4 and later
- """
- import os
- import six
- import logging
- import posixpath
- from copy import copy
- from itertools import chain
- from operator import attrgetter
- from collections import OrderedDict
- from contextlib import contextmanager
- from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse
- import gettext
- import locale
- from pelican import signals
- from pelican.generators import ArticlesGenerator, PagesGenerator
- from pelican.settings import configure_settings
- from pelican.contents import Draft
- _MAIN_LANG = None
- _SITE_DB = OrderedDict()
- _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- @contextmanager
- def temporary_locale(temp_locale=None):
- '''Enable code to run in a context with a temporary locale
- Resets the locale back when exiting context.
- Can set a temporary locale if provided
- '''
- orig_locale = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL)
- if temp_locale is not None:
- locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, temp_locale)
- yield
- locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, orig_locale)
- def initialize_dbs(settings):
- '''Initialize internal DBs using the Pelican settings dict
- This clears the DBs for e.g. autoreload mode to work
- '''
- _MAIN_SETTINGS = settings
- _MAIN_LANG = settings['DEFAULT_LANG']
- _MAIN_SITEURL = settings['SITEURL']
- _SUBSITE_QUEUE = settings.get('I18N_SUBSITES', {}).copy()
- prepare_site_db_and_overrides()
- _GENERATOR_DB.clear()
- def prepare_site_db_and_overrides():
- '''Prepare overrides and create _SITE_DB
- _SITE_DB.keys() need to be ready for filter_translations
- '''
- _SITE_DB.clear()
- main_siteurl = '/' if _MAIN_SITEURL == '' else _MAIN_SITEURL
- for lang, overrides in _SUBSITE_QUEUE.items():
- if 'SITEURL' not in overrides:
- overrides['SITEURL'] = posixpath.join(main_siteurl, lang)
- _SITE_DB[lang] = overrides['SITEURL']
- if 'OUTPUT_PATH' not in overrides:
- overrides['OUTPUT_PATH'] = os.path.join(
- if 'CACHE_PATH' not in overrides:
- overrides['CACHE_PATH'] = os.path.join(
- if 'STATIC_PATHS' not in overrides:
- overrides['STATIC_PATHS'] = []
- if ('THEME' not in overrides and 'THEME_STATIC_DIR' not in overrides and
- 'THEME_STATIC_PATHS' not in overrides):
- relpath = relpath_to_site(lang, _MAIN_LANG)
- overrides['THEME_STATIC_DIR'] = posixpath.join(
- overrides['THEME_STATIC_PATHS'] = []
- overrides['DEFAULT_LANG'] = lang
- def subscribe_filter_to_signals(settings):
- '''Subscribe content filter to requested signals'''
- for sig in settings.get('I18N_FILTER_SIGNALS', []):
- sig.connect(filter_contents_translations)
- def initialize_plugin(pelican_obj):
- '''Initialize plugin variables and Pelican settings'''
- if _MAIN_SETTINGS is None:
- initialize_dbs(pelican_obj.settings)
- subscribe_filter_to_signals(pelican_obj.settings)
- def get_site_path(url):
- '''Get the path component of an url, excludes siteurl
- also normalizes '' to '/' for relpath to work,
- otherwise it could be interpreted as a relative filesystem path
- '''
- path = urlparse(url).path
- if path == '':
- path = '/'
- return path
- def relpath_to_site(lang, target_lang):
- '''Get relative path from siteurl of lang to siteurl of base_lang
- the output is cached in _SITES_RELPATH_DB
- '''
- path = _SITES_RELPATH_DB.get((lang, target_lang), None)
- if path is None:
- siteurl = _SITE_DB.get(lang, _MAIN_SITEURL)
- target_siteurl = _SITE_DB.get(target_lang, _MAIN_SITEURL)
- path = posixpath.relpath(get_site_path(target_siteurl),
- get_site_path(siteurl))
- _SITES_RELPATH_DB[(lang, target_lang)] = path
- return path
- def save_generator(generator):
- '''Save the generator for later use
- initialize the removed content list
- '''
- _GENERATOR_DB[generator] = []
- def article2draft(article):
- '''Transform an Article to Draft'''
- draft = Draft(article._content, article.metadata, article.settings,
- article.source_path, article._context)
- draft.status = 'draft'
- return draft
- def page2hidden_page(page):
- '''Transform a Page to a hidden Page'''
- page.status = 'hidden'
- return page
- class GeneratorInspector(object):
- '''Inspector of generator instances'''
- generators_info = {
- ArticlesGenerator: {
- 'translations_lists': ['translations', 'drafts_translations'],
- 'contents_lists': [('articles', 'drafts')],
- 'hiding_func': article2draft,
- },
- PagesGenerator: {
- 'translations_lists': ['translations', 'hidden_translations'],
- 'contents_lists': [('pages', 'hidden_pages')],
- 'hiding_func': page2hidden_page,
- 'policy': 'I18N_UNTRANSLATED_PAGES',
- },
- }
- def __init__(self, generator):
- '''Identify the best known class of the generator instance
- The class '''
- self.generator = generator
- self.generators_info.update(generator.settings.get(
- for cls in generator.__class__.__mro__:
- if cls in self.generators_info:
- self.info = self.generators_info[cls]
- break
- else:
- self.info = {}
- def translations_lists(self):
- '''Iterator over lists of content translations'''
- return (getattr(self.generator, name) for name in
- self.info.get('translations_lists', []))
- def contents_list_pairs(self):
- '''Iterator over pairs of normal and hidden contents'''
- return (tuple(getattr(self.generator, name) for name in names)
- for names in self.info.get('contents_lists', []))
- def hiding_function(self):
- '''Function for transforming content to a hidden version'''
- hiding_func = self.info.get('hiding_func', lambda x: x)
- return hiding_func
- def untranslated_policy(self, default):
- '''Get the policy for untranslated content'''
- return self.generator.settings.get(self.info.get('policy', None),
- default)
- def all_contents(self):
- '''Iterator over all contents'''
- translations_iterator = chain(*self.translations_lists())
- return chain(translations_iterator,
- *(pair[i] for pair in self.contents_list_pairs()
- for i in (0, 1)))
- def filter_contents_translations(generator):
- '''Filter the content and translations lists of a generator
- Filters out
- 1) translations which will be generated in a different site
- 2) content that is not in the language of the currently
- generated site but in that of a different site, content in a
- language which has no site is generated always. The filtering
- method bay be modified by the respective untranslated policy
- '''
- inspector = GeneratorInspector(generator)
- current_lang = generator.settings['DEFAULT_LANG']
- langs_with_sites = _SITE_DB.keys()
- removed_contents = _GENERATOR_DB[generator]
- for translations in inspector.translations_lists():
- for translation in translations[:]:
- if translation.lang in langs_with_sites:
- translations.remove(translation)
- removed_contents.append(translation)
- hiding_func = inspector.hiding_function()
- untrans_policy = inspector.untranslated_policy(default='hide')
- for (contents, other_contents) in inspector.contents_list_pairs():
- for content in other_contents:
- if content.lang == current_lang:
- _NATIVE_CONTENT_URL_DB[content.source_path] = content.url
- for content in contents[:]:
- if content.lang == current_lang:
- _NATIVE_CONTENT_URL_DB[content.source_path] = content.url
- elif content.lang in langs_with_sites and untrans_policy != 'keep':
- contents.remove(content)
- if untrans_policy == 'hide':
- other_contents.append(hiding_func(content))
- elif untrans_policy == 'remove':
- removed_contents.append(content)
- def install_templates_translations(generator):
- '''Install gettext translations in the jinja2.Environment
- Only if the 'jinja2.ext.i18n' jinja2 extension is enabled
- the translations for the current DEFAULT_LANG are installed.
- '''
- if 'jinja2.ext.i18n' in generator.settings['JINJA_EXTENSIONS']:
- domain = generator.settings.get('I18N_GETTEXT_DOMAIN', 'messages')
- localedir = generator.settings.get('I18N_GETTEXT_LOCALEDIR')
- if localedir is None:
- localedir = os.path.join(generator.theme, 'translations')
- current_lang = generator.settings['DEFAULT_LANG']
- if current_lang == generator.settings.get('I18N_TEMPLATES_LANG',
- translations = gettext.NullTranslations()
- else:
- langs = [current_lang]
- try:
- translations = gettext.translation(domain, localedir, langs)
- except (IOError, OSError):
- _LOGGER.error((
- "Cannot find translations for language '{}' in '{}' with "
- "domain '{}'. Installing NullTranslations.").format(
- langs[0], localedir, domain))
- translations = gettext.NullTranslations()
- newstyle = generator.settings.get('I18N_GETTEXT_NEWSTYLE', True)
- generator.env.install_gettext_translations(translations, newstyle)
- def add_variables_to_context(generator):
- '''Adds useful iterable variables to template context'''
- context = generator.context
- context['relpath_to_site'] = relpath_to_site
- context['main_siteurl'] = _MAIN_SITEURL
- context['main_lang'] = _MAIN_LANG
- context['lang_siteurls'] = _SITE_DB
- current_lang = generator.settings['DEFAULT_LANG']
- extra_siteurls = _SITE_DB.copy()
- extra_siteurls.pop(current_lang)
- context['extra_siteurls'] = extra_siteurls
- def interlink_translations(content):
- '''Link content to translations in their main language
- so the URL (including localized month names) of the different subsites
- will be honored
- '''
- lang = content.lang
- content.translations.sort(key=attrgetter('lang'))
- for translation in content.translations:
- relpath = relpath_to_site(lang, translation.lang)
- url = _NATIVE_CONTENT_URL_DB[translation.source_path]
- translation.override_url = posixpath.join(relpath, url)
- def interlink_translated_content(generator):
- '''Make translations link to the native locations
- for generators that may contain translated content
- '''
- inspector = GeneratorInspector(generator)
- for content in inspector.all_contents():
- interlink_translations(content)
- def interlink_removed_content(generator):
- '''For all contents removed from generation queue update interlinks
- link to the native location
- '''
- current_lang = generator.settings['DEFAULT_LANG']
- for content in _GENERATOR_DB[generator]:
- url = _NATIVE_CONTENT_URL_DB[content.source_path]
- relpath = relpath_to_site(current_lang, content.lang)
- content.override_url = posixpath.join(relpath, url)
- def interlink_static_files(generator):
- '''Add links to static files in the main site if necessary'''
- if generator.settings['STATIC_PATHS'] != []:
- return
- filenames = generator.context['filenames']
- relpath = relpath_to_site(generator.settings['DEFAULT_LANG'], _MAIN_LANG)
- for staticfile in _MAIN_STATIC_FILES:
- if staticfile.get_relative_source_path() not in filenames:
- staticfile = copy(staticfile)
- staticfile.override_url = posixpath.join(relpath, staticfile.url)
- generator.add_source_path(staticfile)
- def save_main_static_files(static_generator):
- '''Save the static files generated for the main site'''
- if static_generator.settings['DEFAULT_LANG'] == _MAIN_LANG:
- _MAIN_STATIC_FILES = static_generator.staticfiles
- def update_generators():
- '''Update the context of all generators
- Ads useful variables and translations into the template context
- and interlink translations
- '''
- for generator in _GENERATOR_DB.keys():
- install_templates_translations(generator)
- add_variables_to_context(generator)
- interlink_static_files(generator)
- interlink_removed_content(generator)
- interlink_translated_content(generator)
- def get_pelican_cls(settings):
- '''Get the Pelican class requested in settings'''
- cls = settings['PELICAN_CLASS']
- if isinstance(cls, six.string_types):
- module, cls_name = cls.rsplit('.', 1)
- module = __import__(module)
- cls = getattr(module, cls_name)
- return cls
- def create_next_subsite(pelican_obj):
- '''Create the next subsite using the lang-specific config
- If there are no more subsites in the generation queue, update all
- the generators (interlink translations and removed content, add
- variables and translations to template context). Otherwise get the
- language and overrides for next the subsite in the queue and apply
- overrides. Then generate the subsite using a PELICAN_CLASS
- instance and its run method. Finally, restore the previous locale.
- '''
- if len(_SUBSITE_QUEUE) == 0:
- _LOGGER.debug(
- 'i18n: Updating cross-site links and context of all generators.')
- update_generators()
- else:
- with temporary_locale():
- settings = _MAIN_SETTINGS.copy()
- lang, overrides = _SUBSITE_QUEUE.popitem()
- settings.update(overrides)
- settings = configure_settings(settings)
- cls = get_pelican_cls(settings)
- new_pelican_obj = cls(settings)
- _LOGGER.debug(("Generating i18n subsite for language '{}' "
- "using class {}").format(lang, cls))
- new_pelican_obj.run()
- 'get_generators': initialize_plugin,
- 'article_generator_pretaxonomy': filter_contents_translations,
- 'page_generator_finalized': filter_contents_translations,
- 'get_writer': create_next_subsite,
- 'static_generator_finalized': save_main_static_files,
- 'generator_init': save_generator,
- }
- def register():
- '''Register the plugin only if required signals are available'''
- for sig_name in _SIGNAL_HANDLERS_DB.keys():
- if not hasattr(signals, sig_name):
- _LOGGER.error((
- 'The i18n_subsites plugin requires the {} '
- 'signal available for sure in Pelican 3.4.0 and later, '
- 'plugin will not be used.').format(sig_name))
- return
- for sig_name, handler in _SIGNAL_HANDLERS_DB.items():
- sig = getattr(signals, sig_name)
- sig.connect(handler)