### Pelican JPEG Reader. Original author: [Mitchell Currie](https://github.com/mitchins) ##### Requirements: * Python3 * Pelican * Pillow library (PIL for python3) * Exiv2 binary accessible by $PATH To avoid undesired creation of content, the specific extension must be `jpeg_article`, i.e. "myPhoto.jpeg_article", it's a regular JPEG image, but this avoids your other JPEG images getting picked up. It can work for pages or blogs, and determines based on whether it's `content/blog` or `content/pages` (or whatever you use for content). #### Most relevant EXIF/IPTC flags from Exiv2 that are used | Page/Article Field | Exiv2 Key | Description | |---|---|---| | title | `Exif.Image.ImageDescription` | Defaults to 'Untitled' | | author | `Exif.Image.Artist` | Default to Unknown. Currently Scalar | | date | `Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal` | Undefined behaviour if not present as required | | slug | `Iptc.Application2.Headline` | Defaults to title's value | | body | `Exif.Photo.UserComment` | This goes under image in page/article, blank default | | summary | `Iptc.Application2.Caption` | Used for article index, defaults to first 140 characters of the body | | category | `Iptc.Application2.SuppCategory` | Specifies the category of page/article if `USE_FOLDER_AS_CATEGORY` not set | | template | `Iptc.Application2.ObjectName` | If specified will set the template metadata property to tell pelican where to look | | tags | `Iptc.Application2.Keywords` | For each entry found with this key, a tag is created with the value of the entry | | `metadata['exiv2']` | ***Everything***| All exiv2 fields from the image are shoved into the metadata dictionary of the item, under `exiv2` key for template usage | #### Pelican Settings Added or Honoured: | Key in pelicanconf.py | Description | |---|---| | `PATH` | **Content Path** | | `OUTPUT_PATH` | **Output Path** | | `USE_FOLDER_AS_CATEGORY` | **Category from folder name** If enabled, takes the category from the name of the folder the file is in. Otherwise the category will attempt to be read from `Iptc.Application2.SuppCategory` | | `SITEURL` | **Site Url** The optional absolute Url for the site, defaults to '' usually. | | `PAGE_URL` | **Page Url** The format string to specify where page html files are saved to | | `PAGE_SAVE_AS` | **Page Save Path** The format string to specify where page html files are physically written to disk | | `ARTICLE_URL` | ** Article Url** The format string to specify where page html files are saved to | | `ARTICLE_SAVE_AS` | **Article Save Path** The format string to specify where page html files are physically written to disk |