# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Wraps a content object to provide some git information """ import logging from pelican.utils import memoized from .git_wrapper import git_wrapper DEV_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class GitContentAdapter(object): """ Wraps a content object to provide some git information """ def __init__(self, content): self.content = content self.git = git_wrapper('.') self.tz_name = content.settings.get('TIMEZONE', None) self.follow = content.settings['GIT_HISTORY_FOLLOWS_RENAME'] @memoized def is_committed(self): ''' Is committed ''' return len(self.get_commits()) > 0 @memoized def is_modified(self): ''' Has content been modified since last commit ''' return self.git.is_file_modified(self.content.source_path) @memoized def is_managed_by_git(self): ''' Is content stored in a file managed by git ''' return self.git.is_file_managed_by_git(self.content.source_path) @memoized def get_commits(self): ''' Get all commits involving this filename :returns: List of commits newest to oldest ''' if not self.is_managed_by_git(): return [] return self.git.get_commits(self.content.source_path, self.follow) @memoized def get_oldest_commit(self): ''' Get oldest commit involving this file :returns: Oldest commit ''' return self.git.get_commits(self.content.source_path, self.follow)[-1] @memoized def get_newest_commit(self): ''' Get oldest commit involving this file :returns: Newest commit ''' return self.git.get_commits(self.content.source_path, follow=False)[0] @memoized def get_oldest_filename(self): ''' Get the original filename of this content. Implies follow ''' commit_and_name_iter = self.git.get_commits_and_names_iter( self.content.source_path) _commit, name = next(commit_and_name_iter) return name @memoized def get_oldest_commit_date(self): ''' Get datetime of oldest commit involving this file :returns: Datetime of oldest commit ''' oldest_commit = self.get_oldest_commit() return self.git.get_commit_date(oldest_commit, self.tz_name) @memoized def get_newest_commit_date(self): ''' Get datetime of newest commit involving this file :returns: Datetime of newest commit ''' newest_commit = self.get_newest_commit() return self.git.get_commit_date(newest_commit, self.tz_name)