""" Instagram Image Tag ------------------- By `Tom Spalding `_ You can see a working example at `antivapor.net/instagram-tag.html `_. Based on `Liquid Image Tag `_ by `Jake Vanderplas `_. Optional Todo: * Query JSON to automatically include descriptions. http://api.instagram.com/oembed?url=http://instagr.am/p/olw8jXiz1_/ and option to add wrapping anchor link to original http://instagram.com/p/olw8jXiz1_ * Default to size m http://instagr.am/p/olw8jXiz1_/media/?size=t http://instagr.am/p/olw8jXiz1_/media * Provide examples using with [Better Figures and Images](https://github.com/getpelican/pelican-plugins/tree/master/better_figures_and_images). Syntax ------ {% gram shortcode [size] [width] [class name(s)] [title text | "title text" ["alt text"]] %} where size is t, m, or l, and it defaults to m. see http://instagram.com/developer/embedding. Examples -------- {% gram pFG7naIZkr t %} {% gram pFJE11IZnx %} {% gram pFI0CAIZna l 400 figure 'pretty turkey tail fungus' %} {% gram rOru21oZpe l 450 test_class instagram 'warehouse window title' 'alt text' %} Output ------ alt text """ import re import urllib from .mdx_liquid_tags import LiquidTags SYNTAX = '{% gram shortcode [size] [width] [class name(s)] [title text | "title text" ["alt text"]] %}' # Regular expression for full syntax # ReGram = re.compile("""(?P\S+)(?:\s+(?P[tml]?))?(?:\s+(?P\d*))?(?:\s+(?P\S*))?(?P\s+.+)?""") ReGram = re.compile("""(?P<shortcode>\S+)(?:\s+(?P<size>[tml]?))?(?:\s+(?P<width>\d*))?(?:\s+(?P<class>[^']*))?(?P<title>.+)?""") # Regular expression to split the title and alt text ReTitleAlt = re.compile("""(?:"|')(?P<title>[^"']+)?(?:"|')\s+(?:"|')(?P<alt>[^"']+)?(?:"|')""") @LiquidTags.register('gram') def gram(preprocessor, tag, markup): attrs = None # Parse the markup string match = ReGram.search(markup) if match: attrs = dict([(key, val.strip()) for (key, val) in match.groupdict().iteritems() if val]) else: raise ValueError('Error processing input. ' 'Expected syntax: {0}'.format(SYNTAX)) # Construct URI #print(attrs) shortcode = attrs['shortcode'] url = 'http://instagr.am/p/'+shortcode+'/media/' del attrs['shortcode'] if 'size' in attrs: size = '?size={0}'.format(attrs['size']) url = url+size del attrs['size'] r = urllib.urlopen(url) if(r.getcode()==404): raise ValueError('%s isnt a photo.'%shortcode) gram_url = r.geturl() # Check if alt text is present -- if so, split it from title if 'title' in attrs: match = ReTitleAlt.search(attrs['title']) if match: attrs.update(match.groupdict()) if not attrs.get('alt'): attrs['alt'] = attrs['title'] #print('updated dict: '+repr(attrs)) # Return the formatted text return '<img src="{0}"{1}>'.format(gram_url,' '.join(' {0}="{1}"'.format(key,val) for (key,val) in attrs.iteritems())) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # This import allows image tag to be a Pelican plugin from liquid_tags import register