# RMD Reader This plugin helps you creating posts with knitr's RMarkdown files. [knitr](http://yihui.name/knitr/) is a template engine which executes and displays embedded R code. So, being short you can write an executable paper with codes, formulas and graphics. ## Loading It is a good idea to load `rmd_reader` at last. It uses settings loaded at runtime and it is important to be sure that all settings have been loaded. ``` PLUGINS = ['sitemap', 'summary', ... 'render_math', 'rmd_reader'] # put it here! ``` ## Dependency This plugin needs [rpy2](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/rpy2) to work. Install it with: ``` pip install rpy2 ``` Of course, R must be installed and also the knitr package. Execute the command below in R to get knitr installed. ``` R> install.packages('knitr') ``` ## Usage The plugin detects RMD files ending with `.Rmd` or `.rmd` so you only have to write a RMarkdown files inside `content` directory. This plugin calls R to process these files and generates markdown files that are processed by Pelican's `MarkdownReader` in order to generate html files from ordinary `.md` files. ### Configuration `rmd_reader` has these 3 variables that can be set in `pelicanconf`. - `RMD_READER_CLEANUP` (`True`): The RMarkdown file is converted into a Markdown file with the extension `.aux` (to avoid conflicts while pelican is processing). This file is processed by pelican's MarkdownReader and is removed after that (the cleanup step). So if you want to check this file set `RMD_READER_CLEANUP=True`. - `RMD_READER_KNITR_QUIET` (`True`): sets `knitr`'s quiet argument. - `RMD_READER_KNITR_ENCODING` (`UTF-8`): sets `knitr`'s encoding argument. - `RMD_READER_KNITR_OPTS_CHUNK` (`None`): sets `knitr`'s `opts_chunk`. ### Plotting The code below must be pasted inside the `.Rmd` file in order to correctly set the `src` attribute of `img` tag. ```{r, echo=FALSE} hook_plot <- knit_hooks$get('plot') knit_hooks$set(plot=function(x, options) { if (!is.null(options$pelican.publish) && options$pelican.publish) { x <- paste0("{filename}", x) } hook_plot(x, options) }) opts_chunk$set(pelican.publish=TRUE) ``` I usually paste it just after the Markdown header. There is a R [template](https://github.com/almartin82/pelicanRMD) available that has the base elements needed by `rmd_reader`. Alternatively, Rebecca Weiss (@rjweiss) suggested using `opts_chunk` to set knitr's `fig.path` ([link](http://rjweiss.github.io/articles/2014_08_25/testing-rmarkdown-integration/)). Now that can be done directly in `pelicanconf` thougth `RMD_READER_KNITR_OPTS_CHUNK`, that variable receives a `dict` with options to be passed to knitr's `opts_chunk`. ``` RMD_READER_KNITR_OPTS_CHUNK = {'fig.path': '../../../figure/'} ```