# Installation Activate the plugin by adding it to your `pelicanconf.py` PLUGIN_PATH = ['/path/to/pelican-plugins'] PLUGINS = ['pelican_comment_system'] PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM = True And modify your `article.html` theme (see below). ## Settings Name | Type | Default | Description -----------------------------------------------|-----------|----------------------------|------- `PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM` | `boolean` | `False` | Activates or deactivates the comment system `PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_DIR` | `string` | `comments` | Folder where the comments are stored, relative to `PATH` `PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_IDENTICON_OUTPUT_PATH` | `string` | `images/identicon` | Relative URL to the output folder where the identicons are stored `PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_IDENTICON_DATA` | `tuple` | `()` | Contains all Metadata tags, which in combination identifies a comment author (like `('author', 'email')`) `PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_IDENTICON_SIZE` | `int` | `72` | Width and height of the identicons. Has to be a multiple of 3. `PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_AUTHORS` | `dict` | `{}` | Comment authors, which should have a specific avatar. More info [here](avatars.md) `PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_FEED` | `string` |`feeds/comment.%s.atom.xml` | Relative URL to output the Atom feed for each article.`%s` gets replaced with the slug of the article. More info [here](http://docs.getpelican.com/en/latest/settings.html#feed-settings) `COMMENT_URL` | `string` | `#comment-{slug}` | `{slug}` gets replaced with the slug of the comment. More info [here](feed.md) ## Folder structure Every comment file has to be stored in a sub folder of `PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_DIR`. Sub folders are named after the `slug` of the articles. So the comments to your `foo-bar` article are stored in `comments/foo-bar/` The filenames of the comment files are up to you. But the filename is the Identifier of the comment (**with** extension). ##### Example folder structure . └── comments └── foo-bar │ ├── 1.md │ └── 0.md └── some-other-slug ├── random-Name.md ├── 1.md └── 0.md ## Comment file ### Meta information Tag | Required | Description --------------|-----------|---------------- `date` | yes | Date when the comment was posted `author` | yes | Name of the comment author `slug` | no | Slug of the comment. If not present it will be computed from the file name (including the extension) `replyto` | no | Slug of the parent comment Every other (custom) tag gets parsed as well and will be available through the theme. ##### Example of a comment file date: 2014-3-21 15:02 author: Author of the comment website: http://authors.website.com replyto: 1md anothermetatag: some random tag Content of the comment. ## Theme In the `article.html` theme file are now two more variables available. Variables | Description -------------------------|-------------------------- `article.comments_count` | Amount of total comments for this article (including replies to comments) `article.comments` | Array containing the top level comments for this article (no replies to comments) ### Comment object The comment object is a [content](https://github.com/getpelican/pelican/blob/master/pelican/contents.py#L34) object, so all common attributes are available (like author, content, date, local_date, slug, metadata, ...). Additional following attributes are added: Attribute | Description -----------|-------------------------- `replies` | Array containing the top level replies for this comment `avatar` | Path to the avatar or identicon of the comment author ##### Example article.html theme (only the comment section) ```html {% if article.comments %} {% for comment in article.comments recursive %} {% if loop.depth0 == 0 %} {% set marginLeft = 0 %} {% else %} {% set marginLeft = 50 %} {% endif %} <article id="comment-{{comment.slug}}" style="border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; padding: 5px 0px 0px 5px; margin: 0px -1px 5px {{marginLeft}}px;"> <a href="{{ SITEURL }}/{{ article.url }}#comment-{{comment.slug}}" rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to this comment">Permalink</a> <h4>{{ comment.author }}</h4> <p>Posted on <abbr class="published" title="{{ comment.date.isoformat() }}">{{ comment.locale_date }}</abbr></p> {{ comment.metadata['my_custom_metadata'] }} {{ comment.content }} {% if comment.replies %} {{ loop(comment.replies) }} {% endif %} </article> {% endfor %} {% else %} <p>There are no comments yet.<p> {% endif %} ```