# Photos Use Photos to add a photo or a gallery of photos to an article, or to include photos in the body text. Photos are kept separately, as an organized library of high resolution photos, and resized as needed. ## How to install and configure The plug-in requires `Pillow`: the Python Imaging Library and optionally `Piexif`, whose installation are outside the scope of this document. The plug-in resizes the referred photos, and generates thumbnails for galleries and associated photos, based on the following configuration and default values: `PHOTO_LIBRARY = "~/Pictures"` : Absolute path to the folder where the original photos are kept, organized in sub-folders. `PHOTO_GALLERY = (1024, 768, 80)` : For photos in galleries, maximum width and height, plus JPEG quality as a percentage. This would typically be the size of the photo displayed when the reader clicks a thumbnail. `PHOTO_ARTICLE = (760, 506, 80)` : For photos associated with articles, maximum width, height, and quality. The maximum size would typically depend on the needs of the theme. 760px is suitable for the theme `notmyidea`. `PHOTO_THUMB = (192, 144, 60)` : For thumbnails, maximum width, height, and quality. `PHOTO_RESIZE_JOBS = 5` : Number of parallel resize jobs to be run. Defaults to 1. `PHOTO_WATERMARK = True` : Adds a watermark to all photos in articles and pages. Defaults to using your site name. `PHOTO_WATERMARK_TEXT' = SITENAME` : Allow the user to change the watermark text or remove it completely. By default it uses [SourceCodePro-Bold](http://www.adobe.com/products/type/font-information/source-code-pro-readme.html) as the font. `PHOTO_WATERMARK_IMG = ''` : Allows the user to add an image in addition to or as the only watermark. Set the variable to the location. **The following features require the piexif library** `PHOTO_EXIF_KEEP = True` : Keeps the exif of the input photo. `PHOTO_EXIF_REMOVE_GPS = True` : Removes any GPS information from the files exif data. `PHOTO_EXIF_COPYRIGHT = 'COPYRIGHT'` : Attaches an author and a license to the file. Choices include: - `COPYRIGHT`: Copyright - `CC0`: Public Domain - `CC-BY-NC-ND`: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives - `CC-BY-NC-SA`: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike - `CC-BY`: Creative Commons Attribution - `CC-BY-SA`: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike - `CC-BY-NC`: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial - `CC-BY-ND`: Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives `PHOTO_EXIF_COPYRIGHT_AUTHOR = 'Your Name Here'` : Adds an author name to the photo's exif and copyright statement. Defaults to `AUTHOR` value from the `pelicanconf.py` The plug-in automatically resizes the photos and publishes them to the following output folder: ./output/photos **WARNING:** The plug-in can take hours to resize 40,000 photos, therefore, photos and thumbnails are only generated once. Clean the output folders to regenerate the resized photos again. ## How to use Maintain an organized library of high resolution photos somewhere on disk, using folders to group related images. The default path `~/Pictures` is convenient for Mac OS X users. * To create a gallery of photos, add the metadata field `gallery: {photo}folder` to an article. To simplify the transition from the plug-in Gallery, the syntax `gallery: {filename}folder` is also accepted. * You can now have multiple galleries. The galleries need to be seperated by a comma in the metadata field. The syntax is gallery: `{photo}folder, {photo}folder2`. You can also add titles to your galleries. The syntax is: `{photo}folder, {photo}folder2{This is a title}`. Using the following example the first gallery would have the title of the folder location and the second would have the title `This is a tile.` * To use an image in the body of the text, just use the syntax `{photo}folder/image.jpg` instead of the usual `{filename}/images/image.jpg`. * To associate an image with an article, add the metadata field `image: {photo}folder/image.jpg` to an article. Use associated images to improve navigation. For compatibility, the syntax `image: {filename}/images/image.jpg` is also accepted. ### Exif, Captions, and Blacklists Folders of photos may optionally have three text files, where each line describes one photo. You can use the `#` to comment out a line. Generating these optional files is left as an exercise for the reader (but consider using Phil Harvey's [exiftool](http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/)). See below for one method of extracting exif data. `exif.txt` : Associates compact technical information with photos, typically the camera settings. For example: best:jpg: Canon EOS 5D Mark II - 20mm f/8 1/250s ISO 100 night.jpg: Canon EOS 5D Mark II - 47mm f/8 5s ISO 100 # new.jpg: Canon EOS 5D Mark II - 47mm f/8 5s ISO 100 `captions.txt` : Associates comments with photos. For example: best.jpg: My best photo ever! How lucky of me! night.jpg: Twilight over the dam. # new.jpg: My new photo blog entry is not quite ready. `blacklist.txt` : Skips photos the user does not want to include. For example: this-file-will-be-skipped.jpg this-one-will-be-skipped-too.jpg # but-this-file-will-NOT-be-skipped.jpg this-one-will-be-also-skipped.jpg Here is an example Markdown article that shows the three use cases: title: My Article gallery: {photo}favorite image: {photo}favorite/best.jpg Here are my best photos, taken with my favorite camera: . The default behavior of the Photos plugin removes the exif information from the file. If you would like to keep the exif information, you can install the `piexif` library for python and add the following settings to keep some or all of the exif information. This feature is not a replacement for the `exif.txt` feature but in addition to that feature. This feature currently only works with jpeg input files. ## How to change the Jinja templates The plugin provides the following variables to your templates: `article.photo_image` : For articles with an associated photo, a tuple with the following information: * The filename of the original photo. * The output path to the generated photo. * The output path to the generated thumbnail. For example, modify the template `article.html` as shown below to display the associated image before the article content: ```html