tag_cloud ========= This plugin generates a tag-cloud. Installation ------------ In order to use to use this plugin, you have to edit(*) or create(+) the following files:: blog/ ├── pelicanconf.py * ├── content ├── plugins + │ └── tag_cloud.py + └── themes └── mytheme ├── templates │ └── base.html * └── static └── css └── style.css * In **pelicanconf.py** you have to activate the plugin:: PLUGIN_PATHS = ["plugins"] PLUGINS = ["tag_cloud"] Into your **plugins** folder, you should add tag_cloud.py (from this repository). In your theme files, you should change **base.html** to apply formats (and sizes) defined in **style.css**, as specified in "Settings", below. Settings -------- ================================================ ===================================================== Setting name (followed by default value) What does it do? ================================================ ===================================================== ``TAG_CLOUD_STEPS = 4`` Count of different font sizes in the tag cloud. ``TAG_CLOUD_MAX_ITEMS = 100`` Maximum number of tags in the cloud. ``TAG_CLOUD_SORTING = 'random'`` The tag cloud ordering scheme. Valid values: random, alphabetically, alphabetically-rev, size and size-rev ``TAG_CLOUD_BADGE = True`` Optionnal setting : can bring **badges**, which mean say : display the number of each tags present on all articles. ================================================ ===================================================== The default theme does not include a tag cloud, but it is pretty easy to add one:: <ul class="tagcloud"> {% for tag in tag_cloud %} <li class="tag-{{ tag.1 }}"> <a href="{{ SITEURL }}/{{ tag.0.url }}"> {{ tag.0 }} {% if TAG_CLOUD_BADGE %} <span class="badge">{{ tag.2 }}</span> {% endif %} </a> </li> {% endfor %} </ul> You should then also define CSS styles with appropriate classes (tag-1 to tag-N, where N matches ``TAG_CLOUD_STEPS``), tag-1 being the most frequent, and define a ``ul.tagcloud`` class with appropriate list-style to create the cloud. You should copy/paste this **badge** CSS rule ``ul.tagcloud .list-group-item <span>.badge`` if you're using ``TAG_CLOUD_BADGE`` setting. (this rule, potentially long , is suggested to avoid conflicts with CSS libs as twitter Bootstrap) For example:: ul.tagcloud { list-style: none; padding: 0; } ul.tagcloud li { display: inline-block; } li.tag-1 { font-size: 150%; } li.tag-2 { font-size: 120%; } ... ul.tagcloud .list-group-item <span>.badge { background-color: grey; color: white; } By default the tags in the cloud are sorted randomly, but if you prefers to have it alphabetically use the `alphabetically` (ascending) and `alphabetically-rev` (descending). Also is possible to sort the tags by it's size (number of articles with this specific tag) using the values `size` (ascending) and `size-rev` (descending).