Markdown Inline Extension For Pelican ===================================== This plugin lets you customize inline HTML within Markdown by extending Python's Markdown module. Installation ------------ To enable, ensure that the `md_inline_extension` plugin is accessible. Then add the following to PLUGINS = ["md_inline_extension"] Usage ----- By default, any Markdown text inside `[]...[]` will get wrapped in `span` tags with a class of `pelican-inline`. For example: `[]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit[]` will become `<span class="pelican-inline">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit</span>` You can create your own inline patterns and associate them with arbitrary classes and styles by using the `MD_INLINE` dictionary in settings. The dictionary takes a pattern as key and expects either a string or a tuple as a value. If a string is provided, then that will be the CSS class. If a tuple is provided, then the first value will be the style, and the second value (if present) will be the class. For example: ``` MD_INLINE = { '+=+': ('color:red;', 'my-test-class'), '|-|': ('color:blue;',), '&^': 'my-other-text-class', } ``` The above defines three new inline patterns: 1. **+=+**: Text within `+=+` will be wrapped in `span` tags like so : `<span style="color:red;" class="my-test-class">...</span>` 2. **|-|**: Text within `|-|` will be wrapped in `<span style="color:blue;">...</span>`. Note - no class is present. 3. **&^**: Text within `&^` will be wrapped in `<span class="my-other-text-class">...</span>`. Note - no style present. In order to work seamlessly with default inline patterns such as `*` and `**`, it is important that your pattern not contain these characters. So do not create patterns that are already part of a default Markdown [span element](