""" Reddit poster posts articles to reddit You can use the 'subreddit' attribute in you articles to specify which subbreddit the article should be post in aside of your default sub. """ from collections import OrderedDict from pelican import signals from pelican.generators import Generator from functools import partial import logging import praw import lxml.html log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def cross_post(reddit, submission, subs): subreddits = [] if subs is None else subs.split(' ') log.debug("Posting in marked subs: %s", subreddits) for sub in subreddits: if sub == '': continue log.debug("Posting in %s" % sub) subreddit = reddit.subreddit(sub) subreddit.subscribe() # must be subscribed to crosspost submission.crosspost(subreddit) def make_posts(generator, metadata, url): """ Make posts on reddit if it's not a draft, on whatever subs are specified """ reddit = generator.get_reddit() title = lxml.html.fromstring(metadata['title']).text_content() if reddit is None: log.info("Reddit plugin not enabled") return if metadata.get('status') == "draft": # people don't want to post drafts log.debug("ignoring draft %s" % title) return collection = generator.settings['REDDIT_POSTER_COLLECT_SUB'] sub = reddit.subreddit(collection) results = sub.search(title) if len([result for result in results]) > 0: log.debug("ignoring %s because it is already on sub %s " % (title, collection)) # post already was made to this sub return try: submission = sub.submit(title, url=url, resubmit=False) cross_post(reddit, submission, metadata.get('subreddit')) except praw.exceptions.APIException as e: log.error("got an api exception: %s", e) except AssertionError as e: log.error("Received an assertion error %s", e) def init_reddit(generator): """ this is a hack to make sure the reddit object keeps track of a session trough article scanning, speeding up networking as the connection can be kept alive. """ auth_dict = generator.settings.get('REDDIT_POSTER_AUTH') if auth_dict is None: log.info("Could not find REDDIT_POSTER_AUTH key in settings, reddit plugin won't function") generator.get_reddit = lambda: None return reddit = praw.Reddit(**auth_dict) generator.get_reddit = lambda: reddit # .. openworld has it's merrits def content_written(generator, content): """ create a url and call make posts (which has less information) """ url = "%s/%s" % (generator.settings.get('SITEURL', 'http://localhost:8000'), content.url) make_posts(generator, content.metadata, url) def register(): signals.article_generator_write_article.connect(content_written) signals.article_generator_init.connect(init_reddit)