""" Better Figures & Images ------------------------ This plugin: - Adds a style="width: ???px; height: auto;" to each image in the content - Also adds the width of the contained image to any parent div.figures. - If RESPONSIVE_IMAGES == True, also adds style="max-width: 100%;" - Corrects alt text: if alt == image filename, set alt = '' TODO: Need to add a test.py for this plugin. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from os import path, access, R_OK import os from pelican import signals from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from PIL import Image import pysvg.parser import cssutils import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def content_object_init(instance): if instance._content is not None: content = instance._content soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') for img in soup(['img', 'object']): logger.debug('Better Fig. PATH: %s', instance.settings['PATH']) if img.name == 'img': logger.debug('Better Fig. img.src: %s', img['src']) img_path, img_filename = path.split(img['src']) else: logger.debug('Better Fig. img.data: %s', img['data']) img_path, img_filename = path.split(img['data']) logger.debug('Better Fig. img_path: %s', img_path) logger.debug('Better Fig. img_fname: %s', img_filename) # If the image already has attributes... then we can skip it. Assuming it's already optimised if 'style' in img.attrs: sheet = cssutils.parseStyle(img['style']) if len(sheet.width) > 0 or len(sheet.height) > 0: continue # Pelican 3.5+ supports {attach} macro for auto copy, in this use case the content does not exist in output # due to the fact it has not been copied, hence we take it from the source (same as current document) src = None if img_filename.startswith('{attach}'): img_path = os.path.dirname(instance.source_path) img_filename = img_filename[8:] src = os.path.join(img_path, img_filename) elif img_path.startswith(('{filename}', '|filename|')): # Strip off {filename}, |filename| or /static img_path = img_path[10:] elif img_path.startswith('/static'): img_path = img_path[7:] elif img_path.startswith('data:image'): # Image is encoded in-line (not a file). continue else: # Check the location in the output as some plugins create them there. output_path = path.dirname(instance.save_as) image_output_location = path.join(instance.settings['OUTPUT_PATH'], output_path, img_filename) if path.isfile(image_output_location): src = image_output_location logger.info('{src} located in output, missing from content.'.format(src=img_filename)) else: logger.warning('Better Fig. Error: img_path should start with either {attach}, {filename}, |filename| or /static') if src is None: # search src path list # 1. Build the source image filename from PATH # 2. Build the source image filename from STATIC_PATHS # if img_path start with '/', remove it. img_path = os.path.sep.join([el for el in img_path.split("/") if len(el) > 0]) # style: {filename}/static/foo/bar.png src = os.path.join(instance.settings['PATH'], img_path, img_filename) src_candidates = [src] # style: {filename}../static/foo/bar.png src_candidates += [os.path.join(instance.settings['PATH'], static_path, img_path, img_filename) for static_path in instance.settings['STATIC_PATHS']] src_candidates = [f for f in src_candidates if path.isfile(f) and access(f, R_OK)] if not src_candidates: logger.error('Better Fig. Error: image not found: %s', src) logger.debug('Better Fig. Skip src: %s', img_path + '/' + img_filename) continue src = src_candidates[0] logger.debug('Better Fig. src: %s', src) # Open the source image and query dimensions; build style string try: if img.name == 'img': im = Image.open(src) extra_style = 'width: {}px; height: auto;'.format(im.size[0]) else: svg = pysvg.parser.parse(src) extra_style = 'width: {}px; height: auto;'.format(svg.get_width()) except IOError as e: logger.debug('Better Fig. Failed to open: %s', src) extra_style = 'width: 100%; height: auto;' if 'RESPONSIVE_IMAGES' in instance.settings and instance.settings['RESPONSIVE_IMAGES']: extra_style += ' max-width: 100%;' if img.get('style'): img['style'] += extra_style else: img['style'] = extra_style if img.name == 'img': if img['alt'] == img['src']: img['alt'] = '' fig = img.find_parent('div', 'figure') if fig: if fig.get('style'): fig['style'] += extra_style else: fig['style'] = extra_style instance._content = soup.decode() def register(): signals.content_object_init.connect(content_object_init)