Random Article Plugin For Pelican ======================== This plugin generates a html file which redirect to a random article using javascript's window.location. The generated html file is saved at SITEURL. Only published articles are listed to redirect. Installation ------------ To enable, ensure that `random_article.py` is put somewhere that is accessible. Then use as follows by adding the following to your settings.py: PLUGINS = ["random_article"] An easy way to find where pelican is installed is to verbose list the available themes by typing `pelican-themes -l -v`. Once the pelican folder is found, copy `random_article.py` to the `plugins` folder. Then add to settings.py like this: PLUGINS = ["pelican.plugins.random_article"] Usage ----- To use it you have to add in your config file the name of the file to use: RANDOM = 'random.html' Then in some template you add: random article