""" Better Figures & Images ------- This plugin: - Adds a style="width: ???px;" to each image in the content - Also adds the width of the contained image to any parent div.figures.
map to buried treasure

This is the caption of the figure (a simple paragraph).

The legend consists of all elements after the caption. In this case, the legend consists of this paragraph.
""" import types import os from pelican import signals from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from PIL import Image def content_object_init(instance): def _get_content(self): content = self._content return content instance._get_content = types.MethodType(_get_content, instance) if instance._content is not None: content = instance._content soup = BeautifulSoup(content) if 'img' in content: for img in soup('img'): # TODO: Pretty sure this isn't the right way to do this, too hard coded. # There must be a setting that I should be using? src = instance.settings['PATH'] + '/images/' + os.path.split(img['src'])[1] im = Image.open(src) extra_style = 'width: {}px;'.format(im.size[0]) if img.get('style'): img['style'] += extra_style else: img['style'] = extra_style fig = img.find_parent('div', 'figure') if fig: if fig.get('style'): fig['style'] += extra_style else: fig['style'] = extra_style instance._content = soup.decode() def register(): signals.content_object_init.connect(content_object_init)