from pelican import signals import re import html5lib RAW_FOOTNOTE_CONTAINERS = ["code"] def getText(node, recursive = False): """Get all the text associated with this node. With recursive == True, all text from child nodes is retrieved.""" L = [''] for n in node.childNodes: if n.nodeType in (node.TEXT_NODE, node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE): L.append( else: if not recursive: return None L.append(getText(n) ) return ''.join(L) def parse_for_footnotes(article_generator): for article in article_generator.articles: if "[ref]" in article._content and "[/ref]" in article._content: content = article._content.replace("[ref]", "").replace("[/ref]", "") parser = html5lib.HTMLParser(tree=html5lib.getTreeBuilder("dom")) dom = parser.parse(content) endnotes = [] count = 0 for footnote in dom.getElementsByTagName("x-simple-footnote"): pn = footnote leavealone = False while pn: if pn.nodeName in RAW_FOOTNOTE_CONTAINERS: leavealone = True break pn = pn.parentNode if leavealone: continue count += 1 fnid = "sf-%s-%s" % (article.slug, count) fnbackid = "%s-back" % (fnid,) endnotes.append((footnote, fnid, fnbackid)) number = dom.createElement("sup") number.setAttribute("id", fnbackid) numbera = dom.createElement("a") numbera.setAttribute("href", "#%s" % fnid) numbera.setAttribute("class", "simple-footnote") numbera.appendChild(dom.createTextNode(str(count))) txt = getText(footnote, recursive=True).replace("\n", " ") numbera.setAttribute("title", txt) number.appendChild(numbera) footnote.parentNode.insertBefore(number, footnote) if endnotes: ol = dom.createElement("ol") ol.setAttribute("class", "simple-footnotes") for e, fnid, fnbackid in endnotes: li = dom.createElement("li") li.setAttribute("id", fnid) while e.firstChild: li.appendChild(e.firstChild) backlink = dom.createElement("a") backlink.setAttribute("href", "#%s" % fnbackid) backlink.setAttribute("class", "simple-footnote-back") backlink.appendChild(dom.createTextNode(u'\u21a9')) li.appendChild(dom.createTextNode(" ")) li.appendChild(backlink) ol.appendChild(li) e.parentNode.removeChild(e) dom.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(ol) s = html5lib.serializer.htmlserializer.HTMLSerializer(omit_optional_tags=False, quote_attr_values=True) output_generator = s.serialize(html5lib.treewalkers.getTreeWalker("dom")(dom.getElementsByTagName("body")[0])) article._content = "".join(list(output_generator)).replace( "", "[ref]").replace("", "[/ref]").replace( "", "").replace("", "") if False: count = 0 endnotes = [] for f in footnotes: count += 1 fnstr = '%s' % ( article.slug, count, article.slug, count, count) endstr = '
  • %s
  • ' % ( article.slug, count, f[len("[ref]"):-len("[/ref]")], article.slug, count) content = content.replace(f, fnstr) endnotes.append(endstr) content += '


      %s' % ("\n".join(endnotes),) article._content = content def register(): signals.article_generator_finalized.connect(parse_for_footnotes)