# RMD Reader This plugin helps you creating posts with knitr's RMarkdown files. [knitr](http://yihui.name/knitr/) is a template engine which executes and displays embedded R code. So, being short you can write an executable paper with codes, formulas and graphics. ## Dependency This plugin needs [rpy2](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/rpy2) to work. Install it with: ``` pip install rpy2 ``` ## Usage The plugin detects RMD files ending with `.Rmd` or `.rmd` so you only have to write a RMarkdown files inside content directory. This plugin calls R to process these files and generates markdown files that are processed by Python Markdown (with `meta`, `codehilite(css_class=highlight)`, and `extra` extensions) before returning the content and metadata to pelican engine.