Gallery ================== * Allows an article to contain an album of pictures. * All albums can also be syndicated into a central gallery page. ## How to Use 1. Group images into folders, with each folder representing an album. 2. Place all album folders within a folder, which should reside under content. 3. Insert `GALLERY_PATH` to your `` and set a path to that folder. By default it is `images/gallery`. ./content/images/gallery/{your albums} ### Articles Attach an album to an article/post by placing a gallery metadata tag with the name of the album. gallery:album_name The template has access to the album name. article.album And the filename of images within an album. article.albumimages ### Gallery Page Create a page and a gallery template (named gallery.html). And inform pelican to use the gallery template for the page. template:gallery The template has access to a dictionary of lists. The dictionary key is the name of the album and the lists contain the filenames. ## Examples ### article.html