""" GraphViz Tag --------- This implements a Liquid-style graphviz tag for Pelican. You can use different Graphviz programs like dot, neato, twopi etc. [1] [1] http://www.graphviz.org/ Syntax ------ {% graphviz { } %} Examples -------- {% graphviz dot { digraph graphname { a -> b -> c; b -> d; } } %} {% graphviz twopi { } %} {% graphviz neato { } %} ... Output ------
\w+)\s*\{\s*(?P.*\})\s*\}$', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) def run_graphviz(program, code, options=[], format='png'): """ Runs graphviz programs and returns image data Copied from https://github.com/tkf/ipython-hierarchymagic/blob/master/hierarchymagic.py """ import os from subprocess import Popen, PIPE dot_args = [program] + options + ['-T', format] if os.name == 'nt': # Avoid opening shell window. # * https://github.com/tkf/ipython-hierarchymagic/issues/1 # * http://stackoverflow.com/a/2935727/727827 p = Popen(dot_args, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, creationflags=0x08000000) else: p = Popen(dot_args, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) wentwrong = False try: # Graphviz may close standard input when an error occurs, # resulting in a broken pipe on communicate() stdout, stderr = p.communicate(code.encode('utf-8')) except (OSError, IOError) as err: if err.errno != EPIPE: raise wentwrong = True except IOError as err: if err.errno != EINVAL: raise wentwrong = True if wentwrong: # in this case, read the standard output and standard error streams # directly, to get the error message(s) stdout, stderr = p.stdout.read(), p.stderr.read() p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError('dot exited with error:\n[stderr]\n{0}'.format(stderr.decode('utf-8'))) return stdout @LiquidTags.register('graphviz') def graphviz_parser(preprocessor, tag, markup): """ Simple Graphviz parser """ # Parse the markup string m = DOT_BLOCK_RE.search(markup) if m: # Get program and DOT code code = m.group('code') program = m.group('program').strip() # Run specified program with our markup output = run_graphviz(program, code) # Return Base64 encoded image return '
' % base64.b64encode(output) else: raise ValueError('Error processing input. ' 'Expected syntax: {0}'.format(SYNTAX)) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # This import allows image tag to be a Pelican plugin from .liquid_tags import register