#-*- conding: utf-8 -*- ''' Creole Reader ------------- This plugins allows you to write your posts using the wikicreole syntax. Give to these files the creole extension. For the syntax, look at: http://www.wikicreole.org/ ''' from pelican import readers from pelican import signals from pelican import settings from pelican.utils import pelican_open try: from creole import creole2html creole = True except ImportError: creole = False try: from pygments import lexers from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter from pygments import highlight PYGMENTS = True except: PYGMENTS = False class CreoleReader(readers.BaseReader): enabled = creole file_extensions = ['creole'] def __init__(self, settings): super(CreoleReader, self).__init__(settings) def _parse_header_macro(self, text): for line in text.split('\n'): name, value = line.split(':') name, value = name.strip(), value.strip() if name == 'title': self._metadata[name] = value else: self._metadata[name] = self.process_metadata(name, value) return u'' def _no_highlight(self, text): html = u'\n<pre><code>{}</code></pre>\n'.format(text) return html def _get_lexer(self, source_type, code): try: return lexers.get_lexer_by_name(source_type) except: return lexers.guess_lexer(code) def _get_formatter(self): formatter = HtmlFormatter(lineos = True, encoding='utf-8', style='colorful', outencoding='utf-8', cssclass='pygments') return formatter def _parse_code_macro(self, ext, text): if not PYGMENTS: return self._no_highlight(text) try: source_type = '' if '.' in ext: source_type = ext.strip().split('.')[1] else: source_type = ext.strip() except IndexError: source_type = '' lexer = self._get_lexer(source_type, text) formatter = self._get_formatter() try: return highlight(text, lexer, formatter).decode('utf-8') except: return self._no_highlight(text) # You need to have a read method, which takes a filename and returns # some content and the associated metadata. def read(self, source_path): """Parse content and metadata of creole files""" self._metadata = {} with pelican_open(source_path) as text: content = creole2html(text, macros={'header': self._parse_header_macro, 'code': self._parse_code_macro}) return content, self._metadata def add_reader(readers): readers.reader_classes['creole'] = CreoleReader def register(): signals.readers_init.connect(add_reader)