Post Statistics ================== A Pelican plugin to calculate various statistics about a post and store them in an article.stats dictionary: - ``wc``: how many words - ``read_mins``: how many minutes would it take to read this article, based on 250 wpm ( - ``word_counts``: frquency count of all the words in the article; can be used for tag/word clouds - ``fi``: Flesch-kincaid Index/ Reading Ease (see: - ``fk``: Flesch-kincaid Grade Level Example: .. code-block:: python { 'wc': 2760, 'fi': '65.94', 'fk': '7.65', 'word_counts': Counter({u'to': 98, u'a': 90, u'the': 83, u'of': 50, ...}), 'read_mins': 12 } This allows you to output these values in your templates, like this, for example: .. code-block:: html+jinja <p title="~{{ article.stats['wc'] }} words">~{{ article.stats['read_mins'] }} min read</p> <ul> <li>Flesch-kincaid Index/ Reading Ease: {{ article.stats['fi'] }}</li> <li>Flesch-kincaid Grade Level: {{ article.stats['fk'] }}</li> </ul> The ``word_counts`` variable is a python ``Counter`` dictionary and looks something like this, with each unique word and it's frequency: .. code-block:: python Counter({u'to': 98, u'a': 90, u'the': 83, u'of': 50, u'karma': 50, ..... and can be used to create a tag/word cloud for a post. Requirements ---------------- `post_stats` requires BeautifulSoup. .. code-block:: console $ pip install beautifulsoup4