@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+* Allows an article to contain an album of pictures.
+* All albums can also be syndicated into a central gallery page.
+##How to Use
+1. Group images into folders, with each folder representing an album.
+2. Place all album folders within a folder named gallery, which resides within the images folder.
+ ./content/images/gallery/album_name
+Attach an album to an article/post by placing a gallery metadata tag with the name of the album.
+ gallery:album_name
+The template has access to the album name.
+ article.album
+And the filename of images within an album.
+ article.albumimages
+###Gallery Page
+Create a page and a gallery template (named gallery.html). And inform pelican to use the gallery template for the page.
+ template:gallery
+The template has access to a dictionary of lists.
+The dictionary key is the name of the album and the lists contain the filenames.
+ page.gallery
+ {% for album, images in page.gallery.iteritems() %}
+ <h2><a href="{{ SITEURL }}/pages/gallery.html#{{ article.album }}">{{ article.album }}</a></h2>
+ <ul>
+ {% for image in article.galleryimages %}
+ <li><a class="{{ article.album }} cboxElement" href="{{ SITEURL }}/static/images/gallery/{{ article.album }}/{{ image }}"><img src="{{ SITEURL }}/static/images/gallery200x200/{{ article.album }}/{{ image }}"></a></li>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </ul>
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% for album, images in page.gallery.iteritems() %}
+ <h2><a name="{{ album }}">{{ album }}</a></h2>
+ <ul>
+ {% for image in images %}
+ <li><a class="{{ album }} cboxElement" href="{{ SITEURL }}/static/images/gallery/{{album}}/{{ image }}" title="{{ image }}"><img src="{{ SITEURL }}/static/images/gallery200x200/{{album}}/{{ image }}"></a></li>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </ul>
+ {% endfor %}
+ title:Foo
+ gallery:albumname
+ title:All Images
+ template:gallery
+The album name and filenames are returned as opposed to the direct path to the images,
+to allow flexibility of different thumbnail sizes to be used it different locations of a website.
+ href="{{ SITEURL }}/static/images/gallery/{{album}}/{{ image }}"
+ href="{{ SITEURL }}/static/images/gallery200x200/{{album}}/{{ image }}"
+It also allows a thumbnail to link to the full image,
+as well as the filename extension to be stripped and the title of an image to be displayed along side the title of an album.
+It is recommended to use this extension along with the thumbnailer plugin.
+ RESIZE = [
+ ('gallery', False, 200,200),
+ ]
+You may also wish to use this along with a gallery plugin such as [Colorbox](http://www.jacklmoore.com/colorbox/).
+##In Use
+* [SESIF Article](http://sesif.github.io/my-super-title.html)
+* [SESIF Gallery](http://sesif.github.io/pages/gallery.html)
+* [SESIF Source](http://github.com/SESIF/SESIF.github.io/tree/source)