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added plugin descriptions table

Artemy Tregubenko il y a 10 ans
1 fichiers modifiés avec 120 ajouts et 0 suppressions
  1. 120 0

+ 120 - 0

@@ -30,6 +30,126 @@ or you can ``import`` the plugin directly and give that::
     import my_plugin
     PLUGINS = [my_plugin, 'assets']
+Plugin descriptions
+========================  ===========================================================
+Plugin                    Description
+========================  ===========================================================
+AsciiDoc reader           Use AsciiDoc to write your posts.
+Asset management          Use the Webassets module to manage assets such as CSS and JS files.
+Better code samples       Wraps all `table` blocks with a class attribute `.codehilitetable` in an additional `div` of class `.hilitewrapper`. It thus permits to style codeblocks better, especially to make them scrollable.
+Better figures/samples    Adds a `style="width: ???px; height: auto;"` attribute to any `<img>` tags in the content
+CJK auto spacing          Inserts spaces between Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters and English words
+Clean summary             Cleans your summary of excess images
+Code include              Includes Pygments highlighted code in reStructuredText
+Collate content           Makes categories of content available to the template as lists through a `collations` attribute 
+Creole reader             Allows you to write your posts using the wikicreole syntax
+Custom article URLs       Adds support for defining different default URLs for different categories
+Disqus static comments    Adds a disqus_comments property to all articles. Comments are fetched at generation time using disqus API
+Extract table of content  Extracts table of contents (ToC) from `article.content`
+Feed Summary              Allows article summaries to be used in ATOM and RSS feeds instead of the entire article
+Filetime from git         Uses git commit to determine page date
+Gallery                   Allows an article to contain an album of pictures
+GitHub activity           On the template side, you just have to iterate over the ``github_activity`` variable
+Global license            Allows you to define a ``LICENSE`` setting and adds the contents of that license variable to the article's context
+Goodreads activity        Lists books from your Goodreads shelves
+GooglePlus comments       Adds GooglePlus comments to Pelican
+Gravatar                  Assigns the ``author_gravatar`` variable to the Gravatar URL and makes the variable available within the article's context
+Gzip cache                Enables certain web servers (e.g., Nginx) to use a static cache of gzip-compressed files to prevent the server from compressing files during an HTTP call
+HTML entities             Allows you to enter HTML entities such as &copy;, &lt;, &#149; inline in a RST document
+HTML tags for rST         Allows you to use HTML tags from within reST documents
+I18N Sub-sites            Extends the translations functionality by creating internationalized sub-sites for the default site
+ical                      Looks for and parses an ``.ics`` file if it is defined in a given page's ``calendar`` metadata.
+Interlinks                Lets you add frequently used URLs to your markup using short keywords
+Liquid-style tags         Allows liquid-style tags to be inserted into markdown within Pelican documents
+Multi parts posts         Allows you to write multi-part posts
+Neighbor articles         Adds ``next_article`` (newer) and ``prev_article`` (older) variables to the article's context
+Optimize images           Applies lossless compression on JPEG and PNG images
+PDF generator             Automatically exports RST articles and pages as PDF files
+Pelican-flickr            Brings your Flickr photos & sets into your static website
+Pelican Gist tag          Easily embed GitHub Gists in your Pelican articles
+Pelican comment system    Allows you to add static comments to your articles
+Pelican Vimeo             Enables you to embed Vimeo videos in your pages and articles
+Pelican YouTube           Enables you to embed YouTube videos in your pages and articles
+pelicanfly                Lets you type things like `i ♥ :fa-coffee:` in your Markdown documents and have it come out as little Font Awesome icons in the browser
+Pin to top                Pin Pelican's article(s) to top "Sticky article"
+PlantUML                  Allows you to define UML diagrams directly into rst documents using the great PlantUML tool
+Post statistics           Calculates various statistics about a post and store them in an article.stats dictionary
+Random article            Generates a html file which redirect to a random article
+Read More link            Inserts an inline "read more" or "continue" link into the last html element of the object summary
+Related posts             Adds the ``related_posts`` variable to the article's context
+Math Render               Gives pelican the ability to render mathematics
+Representative image      Extracts a representative image (i.e, featured image) from the article's summary or content
+Share post                Creates share URLs of article
+Simple footnotes          Adds footnotes to blog posts
+Sitemap                   Generates plain-text or XML sitemaps
+Static comments           Allows you to add static comments to an article
+Subcategory               Adds support for subcategories
+Summary                   Allows easy, variable length summaries directly embedded into the body of your articles
+Thumbnailer               Creates thumbnails for all of the images found under a specific directory
+Tipue Search              Serializes generated HTML to JSON that can be used by jQuery plugin - Tipue Search
+Touch                     Does a touch on your generated files using the date metadata from the content
+Twitter Bootstrap         Defines some rst directive that enable a clean usage of the twitter bootstrap CSS and Javascript components
+W3C validate              Submits generated HTML content to the W3C Markup Validation Service
+========================  ===========================================================
 Please refer to the ``Readme`` file in a plugin's folder for detailed information about 
 that plugin.