@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ notebook in a blog post.
-{% notebook filename.ipynb %}
+{% notebook filename.ipynb [ cells[start:end] ]%}
The file should be specified relative to the ``notebooks`` subdirectory of the
content directory. Optionally, this subdirectory can be specified in the
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ config file:
NOTEBOOK_DIR = 'notebooks'
+The cells[start:end] statement is optional, and can be used to specify which
+block of cells from the notebook to include.
Because the conversion and formatting of notebooks is rather involved, there
@@ -52,8 +55,8 @@ except ImportError:
from converters import ConverterBloggerHTML # requires nbconvert package
separate_available = False
-SYNTAX = "{% notebook /path/to/notebook.ipynb %}"
-FORMAT = re.compile(r"""^(?:\s+)?(?P<src>\S+)(?:\s+)?$""")
+SYNTAX = "{% notebook /path/to/notebook.ipynb [ cells[start:end] ] %}"
+FORMAT = re.compile(r"""^(\s+)?(?P<src>\S+)(\s+)?((cells\[)(?P<start>-?[0-9]*):(?P<end>-?[0-9]*)(\]))?(\s+)?$""")
def process_body(body):
@@ -108,16 +111,66 @@ def process_header(header):
return header.split('\n')
+def strip_divs(body, start=None, end=None):
+ """Strip divs from the body for partial notebook insertion
+ If L represents the list of parsed main divs, then this returns
+ the document corresponding to the divs L[start:end].
+ body should be a list of lines in the body of the html file.
+ """
+ # TODO: this is a bit hackish. It would be better to add a PR to
+ # nbconvert which does this at the source.
+ DIV = re.compile('<div')
+ UNDIV = re.compile('</div')
+ # remove ipynb div
+ body_lines = body[1:-1]
+ # split divs
+ L = []
+ count = 0
+ div_start = 0
+ for i, line in enumerate(body_lines):
+ count += len(DIV.findall(line))
+ count -= len(UNDIV.findall(line))
+ if count == 0:
+ L.append(body_lines[div_start:i + 1])
+ div_start = i + 1
+ elif count < 0:
+ raise ValueError("parsing error: lost a tag")
+ if div_start != len(body_lines):
+ raise ValueError("parsing error: didn't find the end of the div")
+ body_lines = sum(L[start:end], [])
+ return body[:1] + body_lines + body[-1:]
def notebook(preprocessor, tag, markup):
match = FORMAT.search(markup)
if match:
argdict = match.groupdict()
src = argdict['src']
+ start = argdict['start']
+ end = argdict['end']
raise ValueError("Error processing input, "
"expected syntax: {0}".format(SYNTAX))
+ if start:
+ start = int(start)
+ else:
+ start = None
+ if end:
+ end = int(end)
+ else:
+ end = None
settings = preprocessor.configs.config['settings']
nb_dir = settings.get('NOTEBOOK_DIR', 'notebooks')
nb_path = os.path.join('content', nb_dir, src)
@@ -144,6 +197,8 @@ def notebook(preprocessor, tag, markup):
"this should be included in the theme.\n")
open('_nb_header.html', 'w').write('\n'.join(header_lines).encode('utf-8'))
+ body_lines = strip_divs(body_lines, start, end)
body = preprocessor.configs.htmlStash.store('\n'.join(body_lines),
return body