@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Glossary
+Builds a glossary page containing definition lists found in articles and
+If you have an article or page that generates the following:
+file `defns.html` titled "My definitions"
+ <dt><a href="some-link.html">My Term</a></dt>
+ <dd>This is definition for My Term.</dd>
+ <dt>Another Term</dt>
+ <dd>And another definition.</dd>
+This plugin will extract all such definitions and put them inside the
+`definitions` variable in the pelican context. It will be seen by all page
+The `definitions` variable will have the following attributes:
++ `title`, the definition title, inside <dt> tags,
++ `definition`, the definition, inside <dd> tags,
++ `link`, if the <dt> tags enclose a <a> tag, it will be stored here, or
+ None,
++ `source`, the article or page that contains this definition list,
++ `see_also`, containing a list of dicts just like this, made from other
+ definitions in the same list.
+For example, for the above html code, the `definitions` variable would look
+like the following:
+definitions = [dict1, dict2]
+dict1.title = "My Term"
+dict1.definition = "This is definition for My Term."
+dict1.link = 'some-link.html'
+dict1.source = <content Object referring to "My definitions">
+dict1.see_also = [dict2]
+dict2.title = "Another Term"
+dict2.definition = "And another definition."
+dict2.link = None
+dict2.source = <content Object referring to "My definitions">
+dict2.see_also = [dict1]
+Note the `link` attribute does not necessarily point to `source.url`.
+Next is an example usage of the `definitions` variable.
+{% for def in definitions | sort(attribute='title') %}
+ <dt>{{ def.title }}</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>{{ def.definition }}</p>
+ <p>
+ Defined in:
+ {% if def.link %}<a href="{{ def.link }}">{% endif %}
+ {{ def.source.title }}
+ {% if def.link %}</a>{% endif %}.
+ {% if def.see_also %}
+ See also:
+ {% for also in def.see_also %}
+ <a href="{{ also.link }}">{{ also.title }}</a>
+ {% endfor%}
+ {% endif %}
+ </p>
+ </dd>
+{% endfor %}