@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ First, in your pelicanconf.py file, add the plugins you want to use:
PLUGIN_PATH = '/path/to/pelican-plugins'
PLUGINS = ['liquid_tags.img', 'liquid_tags.video',
- 'liquid_tags.include_code']
+ 'liquid_tags.include_code', 'liquid_tags.notebook']
There are several options available
@@ -45,8 +45,54 @@ document:
{% include_code myscript.py [Title text] %}
-The script must be in the ``code`` subdirectory of your content folder, and
-in order for the resulting hyperlink to work, this directory must be listed
-under the STATIC_PATHS setting, e.g.:
+The script must be in the ``code`` subdirectory of your content folder:
+this default location can be changed by specifying
- STATIC_PATHS = ['images', 'code']
+ CODE_DIR = 'code'
+within your configuration file. Additionally, in order for the resulting
+hyperlink to work, this directory must be listed under the STATIC_PATHS
+setting, e.g.:
+ STATIC_PATHS = ['images', 'code']
+## IPython notebooks
+To insert an ipython notebook into your post, enable the
+``liquid_tags.notebook`` plugin and add to your document:
+ {% notebook filename.ipynb %}
+The file should be specified relative to the ``notebooks`` subdirectory of the
+content directory. Optionally, this subdirectory can be specified in the
+config file:
+ NOTEBOOK_DIR = 'notebooks'
+Because the conversion and rendering of notebooks is rather involved, there
+are a few extra steps required for this plugin:
+- First, the plugin requires that the nbconvert package [1]_ to be in the
+ python path. For example, in bash, this can be set via
+ >$ export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/nbconvert/
+ The nbconvert package is still in development, so we recommend using the
+ most recent version.
+- After typing "make html" when using the notebook tag, a file called
+ ``_nb_header.html`` will be produced in the main directory. The content
+ of the file should be included in the header of the theme. An easy way
+ to accomplish this is to add the following lines within the header template
+ of the theme you use:
+ {% if EXTRA_HEADER %}
+ {% endif %}
+ and in your configuration file, include the line:
+ EXTRA_HEADER = open('_nb_header.html').read().decode('utf-8')
+ this will insert the proper css formatting into your document.
+[1] https://github.com/ipython/nbconvert