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Merge pull request #662 from JuliusR/plugin-linker-rebase

Add Linker plugin
Justin Mayer 8 years ago
6 changed files with 245 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 2 0
  2. 53 0
  3. 1 0
  4. 12 0
  5. 136 0
  6. 41 0

+ 2 - 0

@@ -124,6 +124,8 @@ Libravatar                Allows inclusion of user profile pictures from librava
 Link Class                Allows the insertion of class attributes into generated <a> elements (Markdown only)
+Linker                    Allows the definition of custom linker commands in analogy to the builtin ``{filename}``, ``{attach}``, ``{category}``, ``{tag}``, ``{author}``, and ``{index}`` syntax
 Liquid-style tags         Allows liquid-style tags to be inserted into markdown within Pelican documents
 Load CSV                  Adds ``csv`` Jinja tag to display the contents of a CSV file as an HTML table

+ 53 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Linker
+This plugin allows to define custom linker commands in analogy to the builtin
+`{filename}`, `{attach}`, `{category}`, `{tag}`, `{author}`, and `{index}`
+## Provided commands (each of which in its own submodule)
+### `{mailto}`
+**Purpose:** Helps to create `mailto:` links with javascript (JS) on top of a
+non-JS fallback.
+* **How the HTML code is replaced step by step**
+  * your code in a content file (page or article):
+    ```
+    <a href="{mailto}webmaster" rel="nofollow">Send me a mail</a>
+    ```
+  * plugin replacement (after computing `'jroznfgre' = rot_13('webmaster')`):
+    ```
+    <a href="/mailto/jroznfgre/" rel="nofollow">Send me a mail</a>
+    ```
+  * result of a JS-powered transform (which you could add):
+    ```
+    <a href="" rel="nofollow">Send me a mail</a>
+    ```
+  * As a fallback for users without JS, the static page
+  `mailto/jroznfgre/index.html` is generated using the template
+  `mailto_fallback`.
+* **Usage instruction**
+  * activate nested `{mailto}` plugin using
+    ```
+    PLUGINS = ['linker.mailto']
+    ```
+  * provide the `mailto_fallback` template (accessing `mailto` which is injected
+  into the template)
+  * optionally, add some JS to improve the user experience as sketched above
+## Other included submodules
+### `content_objects`
+This plugin collects all `pelican.contents.Content` instances in a `set` which
+can be accessed using `context['content_objects']`.

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from .linker import *

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from pelican import signals
+def initialize_content_object_set(app):
+    app.settings['content_objects'] = set()
+def collect_content_objects(co):
+    context = co._context['content_objects'].add(co)
+def register():
+    signals.initialized.connect(initialize_content_object_set)
+    signals.content_object_init.connect(collect_content_objects)

+ 136 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+import re
+from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse
+from pelican import signals, contents
+from linker import content_objects
+logger = logging.getLogger("linker")
+class Link(object):
+    """Represents an HTML link including a linker command.
+    Typically, the Link is constructed from an SRE_Match after applying the
+    provided Link.regex pattern to the HTML content of a content object.
+    """
+    # regex based on the one used in from pelican version 3.6.3
+    regex = re.compile(
+        r""" # EXAMPLE: <a rel="nofollow" href="{mailto}webmaster"
+        (?P<markup><\s*[^\>]*   # <a rel="nofollow" href=   --> markup
+            (?:href|src|poster|data|cite|formaction|action)\s*=)
+        (?P<quote>["\'])        # "                         --> quote
+        \{(?P<cmd>.*?)\}        # {mailto}                  --> cmd
+        (?P<url>.*?)            # webmaster                 --> __url (see path)
+        \2                      # "                         <-- quote
+        """, re.X)
+    def __init__(self, context, content_object, match):
+        """Construct a Link from an SRE_Match.
+        :param context: The shared context between generators.
+        :param content_object: The associated pelican.contents.Content.
+        :param match: An SRE_Match obtained by applying the regex to my content.
+        """
+        self.context = context
+        self.content_object = content_object
+        self.markup ='markup')
+        self.quote ='quote')
+        self.cmd ='cmd')
+        self.__url = urlparse('url'))
+        self.path = self.__url.path
+    def href(self): # rebuild matched URL using (possibly updated) self.path
+        return urlunparse( self.__url._replace(path=self.path) )
+    def html_code(self): # rebuild matched pattern from (possibly updated) self
+        return ''.join((self.markup, self.quote, self.href(), self.quote))
+class LinkerBase(object):
+    """Base class for performing the linker command magic.
+    In order to provide the linker command 'foo' as in '<a href="{foo}contact',
+    a responsible Linker class (e.g., FooLinker) should derive from LinkerBase
+    and set FooLinker.commands to ['foo']. The linker command is processed when
+    the overridden is called.
+    """
+    commands = [] # link commands handled by the Linker. EXAMPLE: ['mailto']
+    builtins = ['filename', 'attach', 'category', 'tag', 'author', 'index']
+    def __init__(self, settings):
+        self.settings = settings
+    def link(self, link):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class Linkers(object):
+    """Interface for all Linkers.
+    This class contains a mapping of {cmd1: linker1, cmd2: linker2} to apply any
+    registered linker command by passing the Link to the responsible Linker.
+    (Idea based on pelican.readers.Readers, but with less customization options.)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, settings):
+        self.settings = settings
+        self.linkers = {}
+        for linker_class in [LinkerBase] + LinkerBase.__subclasses__():
+            for cmd in linker_class.commands:
+                self.register_linker(cmd, linker_class)
+    def register_linker(self, cmd, linker_class):
+        if cmd in self.linkers: # check for existing registration of that cmd
+            current_linker_class = self.linkers[cmd].__class__
+            logger.warning(
+                "%s is stealing the linker command %s from %s.",
+                linker_class.__name__, cmd, current_linker_class.__name__
+            )
+        self.linkers[cmd] = linker_class(self.settings)
+    def handle_links_in_content_object(self, context, content_object):
+        # replace Link matches (with side effects on content and content_object)
+        def replace_link_match(match):
+            link = Link(context, content_object, match)
+            if link.cmd in LinkerBase.builtins:
+                pass # builtin commands not handled here
+            elif link.cmd in self.linkers:
+                self.linkers[link.cmd].link(link) # let Linker process the Link
+            else:
+                logger.warning("Ignoring unknown linker command %s", link.cmd)
+            return link.html_code() # return HTML to replace the matched link
+        content_object._content = Link.regex.sub( # match, process and replace
+            replace_link_match, content_object._content)
+def feed_context_to_linkers(generators):
+    settings = generators[0].settings
+    linkers = Linkers(settings)
+    context = generators[0].context
+    for co in context['content_objects']: # provided by plugin 'content_objects'
+        if isinstance(co, contents.Static): continue
+        if not co._content: continue
+        linkers.handle_links_in_content_object(context, co)
+def register():
+    content_objects.register()
+    signals.all_generators_finalized.connect(feed_context_to_linkers)

+ 41 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import codecs
+from pelican import signals
+from pelican.generators import Generator
+from linker import linker
+def encode_mailto_link(mailto):
+    return 'mailto/' + codecs.encode(mailto, 'rot_13') + '/'
+class MailtoLinker(linker.LinkerBase):
+    commands = ['mailto']
+    def link(self, link):
+        mailto = link.path
+        link.path = '/' + encode_mailto_link(mailto) # a.href for JS parsing
+        link.context['mailtos'].add(mailto) # remember mail address for fallback
+class MailtoFallbackGenerator(Generator):
+    def generate_context(self):
+        self.context['mailtos'] = set() # populated on {mailto} link processing
+    def generate_output(self, writer):
+        for mailto in self.context['mailtos']:
+            save_as = encode_mailto_link(mailto) + 'index.html'
+            writer.write_file(save_as, self.get_template('mailto_fallback'),
+                              self.context, mailto=mailto)
+def return_mailto_fallback_generator(generators):
+    return MailtoFallbackGenerator
+def register():
+    linker.register()
+    signals.get_generators.connect(return_mailto_fallback_generator)