@@ -28,11 +28,12 @@ from pelican import contents
import re
# Global Variables
+_TYPOGRIFY = False # used to determine if we should process typogrify
_WRAP_TAG = None # the tag to wrap mathjax in (needed to play nicely with typogrify or for template designers)
-_LATEX_REGEX = re.compile(r'(\$\$|\$|\\begin\{(.+?)\}).*?\1|\\end\{\2\}', re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) # used to detect latex
+_LATEX_REGEX = re.compile(r'(\$\$|\$|\\begin\{(.+?)\}|<(math).*?>).*?(\1|\\end\{\2\}|</\3>)', re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) # used to detect latex
_LATEX_SUMMARY_REGEX = None # used to match latex in summary
_LATEX_PARTIAL_REGEX = None # used to match latex that has been cut off in summary
-_MATHJAX_SETTINGS = {} # Settings that can be specified by the user, used to control mathjax script settings
+_MATHJAX_SETTINGS = {} # settings that can be specified by the user, used to control mathjax script settings
<script type= "text/javascript">
if (!document.getElementById('mathjaxscript_pelican')) {{
@@ -124,7 +125,11 @@ def wrap_latex(content, ignore_within):
# determine if the tags are within <pre> and <code> blocks
ignore = binary_search(match.span(1), ignore_within) and binary_search(match.span(2), ignore_within)
- if ignore:
+ if ignore or match.group(3) == 'math':
+ if match.group(3) == 'math':
+ # Will detect mml, but not wrap anything around it
+ wrap_latex.foundlatex = True
return match.group(0)
wrap_latex.foundlatex = True
@@ -142,7 +147,7 @@ def process_summary(instance, ignore_within):
process_summary.altered_summary = False
insert_mathjax_script = False
- endtag = '</%s>' % _WRAP_TAG if _WRAP_TAG != None else ''
+ end_tag = '</%s>' % _WRAP_TAG if _WRAP_TAG != None else ''
# use content's _get_summary method to obtain summary
summary = instance._get_summary()
@@ -158,23 +163,33 @@ def process_summary(instance, ignore_within):
# Repair the latex if it was cut off mathitem will be the final latex
# code matched that is not within <pre> or <code> tags
- if mathitem and mathitem.group(4) == ' ...':
- end = r'\end{%s}' % mathitem.group(3) if mathitem.group(3) is not None else mathitem.group(2)
- latex_match = re.search('%s.*?%s' % (re.escape(mathitem.group(1)), re.escape(end)), instance._content, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
- new_summary = summary.replace(mathitem.group(0), latex_match.group(0)+'%s ...' % endtag)
+ if mathitem and '...' in mathitem.group(6):
+ if mathitem.group(3) is not None:
+ end = r'\end{%s}' % mathitem.group(3)
+ elif mathitem.group(4) is not None:
+ end = r'</math>'
+ elif mathitem.group(2) is not None:
+ end = mathitem.group(2)
+ search_regex = r'%s(%s.*?%s)' % (re.escape(instance._content[0:mathitem.start(1)]), re.escape(mathitem.group(1)), re.escape(end))
+ latex_match = re.search(search_regex, instance._content, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
+ if latex_match:
+ new_summary = summary.replace(mathitem.group(0), latex_match.group(1)+'%s ...' % end_tag)
- if new_summary != summary:
- return new_summary+_MATHJAX_SCRIPT.format(**_MATHJAX_SETTINGS)
+ if new_summary != summary:
+ return new_summary+_MATHJAX_SCRIPT.format(**_MATHJAX_SETTINGS)
def partial_regex(match):
"""function for use in re.sub"""
- if binary_search(match.span(), ignore_within):
+ if binary_search(match.span(3), ignore_within):
return match.group(0)
process_summary.altered_summary = True
return match.group(1) + match.group(4)
# check for partial latex tags at end. These must be removed
summary = _LATEX_PARTIAL_REGEX.sub(partial_regex, summary)
if process_summary.altered_summary:
@@ -252,9 +267,10 @@ def process_content(instance):
# with latex, we set it to False. This means that the default reader will
# not call typogrify, so it is called here, where we are able to control
# logic for it ignore latex if necessary
- if process_content.typogrify:
# Tell typogrify to ignore the tags that latex has been wrapped in
- ignore_tags = [_WRAP_TAG] if _WRAP_TAG else None
+ # also, typogrify must always ignore mml (math) tags
+ ignore_tags = [_WRAP_TAG,'math'] if _WRAP_TAG else ['math']
# Exact copy of the logic as found in the default reader
from typogrify.filters import typogrify
@@ -278,6 +294,7 @@ def pelican_init(pelicanobj):
False should it be set to True.
+ global _TYPOGRIFY
global _WRAP_TAG
@@ -298,7 +315,7 @@ def pelican_init(pelicanobj):
if pelicanobj.settings['TYPOGRIFY'] == True:
pelicanobj.settings['TYPOGRIFY'] = False
_WRAP_TAG = 'mathjax' # default to wrap mathjax content inside of
- process_content.typogrify = True
except KeyError:
@@ -311,10 +328,13 @@ def pelican_init(pelicanobj):
# regular expressions that depend on _WRAP_TAG are set here
- tagstart = r'<%s>' % _WRAP_TAG if not _WRAP_TAG is None else ''
- tagend = r'</%s>' % _WRAP_TAG if not _WRAP_TAG is None else ''
- latex_summary_regex = r'((\$\$|\$|\\begin\{(.+?)\}).+?)(\2|\\end\{\3\}|\s?\.\.\.)(%s)?' % tagend
- latex_partial_regex = r'(.*)(%s)(\\.*?|\$.*?)(\s?\.\.\.)(%s)' % (tagstart, tagend)
+ tag_start= r'<%s>' % _WRAP_TAG if not _WRAP_TAG is None else ''
+ tag_end = r'</%s>' % _WRAP_TAG if not _WRAP_TAG is None else ''
+ latex_summary_regex = r'((\$\$|\$|\\begin\{(.+?)\}|<(math)(\s.*?)?>).+?)(\2|\\end\{\3\}|\s?\.\.\.)(%s|</\4>)?' % tag_end
+ # NOTE: The logic in _get_summary will handle <math> correctly because it
+ # is perceived as an html tag. Therefore we are only interested in handling non mml
+ latex_partial_regex = r'(.*)(%s)(\\\S*?|\$)\s*?(\s?\.\.\.)(%s)?$' % (tag_start, tag_end)
_LATEX_SUMMARY_REGEX = re.compile(latex_summary_regex, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
_LATEX_PARTIAL_REGEX = re.compile(latex_partial_regex, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)