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Merge pull request #12 from idyedov/master

disqus_static plugin
Alexis Metaireau 11 vuotta sitten
2 muutettua tiedostoa jossa 139 lisäystä ja 0 poistoa
  1. 60 0
  2. 79 0

+ 60 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+Disqus static comment plugin for Pelican
+This plugin adds a disqus_comments property to all articles.
+Comments are fetched at generation time using disqus API.
+Because we use disqus API to retrieve the comments you need to create an application at
+ which will provide you with a secret and public keys for the API.
+We use disqus-python package for communication with disqus API:
+``pip install disqus-python``
+Put ```` plugin in ``plugins`` folder in pelican installation 
+and use the following in your settings::
+    PLUGINS = [u"pelican.plugins.disqus_static"]
+.. code-block:: html+jinja
+    {% if article.disqus_comments %}
+    <div id="disqus_static_comments">
+        <h4>{{ article.disqus_comment_count }} comments</h4>
+        <ul class="post-list">
+            {% for comment in article.disqus_comments recursive %}
+            <li class="post">
+                <div class="post-content">
+                    <div class="avatar hovercard">
+                        <img alt="Avatar" src="{{ }}">
+                    </div>
+                    <div class="post-body">
+                        <header>
+                            <span class="publisher-anchor-color">{{ }}</span>
+                            <span class="time-ago" title="{{ comment.createdAt }}">{{ comment.createdAt }}</span>
+                        </header>
+                        <div class="post-message-container">
+                            <div class="post-message publisher-anchor-color ">
+                                {{ comment.message }}
+                            </div>
+                        </div>
+                    </div>
+                </div>
+                {% if comment.children %}
+                <ul class="children">
+                    {{ loop(comment.children) }}
+                </ul>
+                {% endif %}
+            </li>
+            {% endfor %}
+        </ul>
+    </div>
+    {% endif %}

+ 79 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Disqus static comment plugin for Pelican
+This plugin adds a disqus_comments property to all articles.          
+Comments are fetched at generation time using disqus API.
+from disqusapi import DisqusAPI, Paginator
+from pelican import signals
+def initialized(pelican):
+    from pelican.settings import _DEFAULT_CONFIG
+    _DEFAULT_CONFIG.setdefault('DISQUS_SECRET_KEY', '')
+    _DEFAULT_CONFIG.setdefault('DISQUS_PUBLIC_KEY', '')
+    if pelican:
+        pelican.settings.setdefault('DISQUS_SECRET_KEY', '')
+        pelican.settings.setdefault('DISQUS_PUBLIC_KEY', '')
+def disqus_static(generator):
+    disqus = DisqusAPI(generator.settings['DISQUS_SECRET_KEY'], 
+                       generator.settings['DISQUS_PUBLIC_KEY'])
+    # first retrieve the threads
+    threads = Paginator(disqus.threads.list, 
+                        forum=generator.settings['DISQUS_SITENAME'])
+    # build a {thread_id: title} dict
+    thread_dict = {}
+    for thread in threads:
+        thread_dict[thread['id']] = thread['title']
+    # now retrieve the posts
+    posts = Paginator(disqus.posts.list, 
+                      forum=generator.settings['DISQUS_SITENAME'])
+    # build a {post_id: [child_post1, child_post2, ...]} dict
+    child_dict = {}
+    for post in posts:
+        if post['id'] not in child_dict.keys():
+            child_dict[post['id']] = []
+        if post['parent'] is not None:
+            if str(post['parent']) not in child_dict.keys():
+                child_dict[str(post['parent'])] = []
+            child_dict[str(post['parent'])].append(post)
+    # build a {title: [post1, post2, ...]} dict
+    post_dict = {}
+    for post in posts:
+        build_post_dict(post_dict, child_dict, thread_dict, post)
+    for article in generator.articles:
+        if article.title in post_dict:
+            article.disqus_comments = post_dict[article.title]
+            article.disqus_comment_count = sum([
+                postcounter(post) for post in post_dict[article.title]])
+def postcounter(node):
+    return 1 + sum([postcounter(n) for n in node['children']])
+def build_post_dict(post_dict, child_dict, thread_dict, post):
+    if post['thread'] not in thread_dict.keys():
+        return # invalid thread, should never happen
+    build_child_dict(child_dict, post)
+    if post['parent'] is not None:
+        return # this is a child post, don't want to display it here
+    if thread_dict[post['thread']] not in post_dict.keys():
+        post_dict[thread_dict[post['thread']]] = []
+    post_dict[thread_dict[post['thread']]].append(post)
+def build_child_dict(child_dict, post):
+    post['children'] = child_dict[post['id']]
+    for child in child_dict[post['id']]:
+        build_child_dict(child_dict, child)
+def register():
+    signals.initialized.connect(initialized)
+    signals.article_generator_finalized.connect(disqus_static)