@@ -8,16 +8,17 @@ Activate the plugin by adding it to your `pelicanconf.py`
And modify your `article.html` theme (see below).
## Settings
-Name | Type | Default | Description
-`PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM` | `boolean` | `False` | Activates or deactivates the comment system
-`PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_DIR` | `string` | `comments` | Folder where the comments are stored, relative to `PATH`
-`PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_IDENTICON_OUTPUT_PATH` | `string` | `images/identicon` | Relative URL to the output folder where the identicons are stored
-`PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_IDENTICON_DATA` | `tuple` | `()` | Contains all Metadata tags, which in combination identifies a comment author (like `('author', 'email')`)
-`PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_IDENTICON_SIZE` | `int` | `72` | Width and height of the identicons. Has to be a multiple of 3.
-`PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_AUTHORS` | `dict` | `{}` | Comment authors, which should have a specific avatar. More info [here](avatars.md)
-`PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_FEED` | `string` |`feeds/comment.%s.atom.xml` | Relative URL to output the Atom feed for each article.`%s` gets replaced with the slug of the article. More info [here](http://docs.getpelican.com/en/latest/settings.html#feed-settings)
-`COMMENT_URL` | `string` | `#comment-{slug}` | `{slug}` gets replaced with the slug of the comment. More info [here](feed.md)
+Name | Type | Default | Description
+`PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM` | `boolean` | `False` | Activates or deactivates the comment system
+`PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_DIR` | `string` | `comments` | Folder where the comments are stored, relative to `PATH`
+`PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_IDENTICON_OUTPUT_PATH` | `string` | `images/identicon` | Relative URL to the output folder where the identicons are stored
+`PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_IDENTICON_DATA` | `tuple` | `()` | Contains all Metadata tags, which in combination identifies a comment author (like `('author', 'email')`)
+`PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_IDENTICON_SIZE` | `int` | `72` | Width and height of the identicons. Has to be a multiple of 3.
+`PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_AUTHORS` | `dict` | `{}` | Comment authors, which should have a specific avatar. More info [here](avatars.md)
+`PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_FEED` | `string` |`feeds/comment.%s.atom.xml` | Relative URL to output the Atom feed for each article.`%s` gets replaced with the slug of the article. More info [here](http://docs.getpelican.com/en/latest/settings.html#feed-settings)
+`PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_FEED_ALL` | `string` |`feeds/comments.all.atom.xml` | Relative URL to output the Atom feed which contains all comments of all articles. More info [here](http://docs.getpelican.com/en/latest/settings.html#feed-settings)
+`COMMENT_URL` | `string` | `#comment-{slug}` | `{slug}` gets replaced with the slug of the comment. More info [here](feed.md)
## Folder structure
Every comment file has to be stored in a sub folder of `PELICAN_COMMENT_SYSTEM_DIR`.