@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+Notebook Tag
+This is a liquid-style tag to include a static html rendering of an IPython
+notebook in a blog post.
+{% notebook filename.ipynb %}
+The file should be specified relative to the ``notebook`` subdirectory of the
+content directory. [TODO: make this configurable].
+This will include the IPython notebook in the file.
+Because the conversion and formatting of notebooks is rather involved, there
+are a few extra steps required for this plugin:
+- First, the plugin requires that the nbconvert package [1]_ to be in the
+ python path. For example, in bash, this can be set via
+ >$ export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/nbconvert/
+- After typing "make html" when using the notebook tag, a file called
+ ``_nb_header.html`` will be produced in the main directory. The content
+ of the file should be included in the header of the theme. An easy way
+ to accomplish this is to add the following lines within the header template
+ of the theme you use:
+ {% endif %}
+ and in your ``pelicanconf.py`` file, include the line:
+ IPYNB_FORMATTING = open('_nb_header.html').read().decode('utf-8')
+[1] https://github.com/ipython/nbconvert
+import re
+import os
+from .mdx_liquid_tags import LiquidTags
+from converters import ConverterBloggerHTML # part of the nbconvert package
+SYNTAX = "{% notebook /path/to/notebook.ipynb %}"
+FORMAT = re.compile(r"""^(?:\s+)?(?P<src>\S+)(?:\s+)?$""")
+def process_body(body):
+ body = '\n'.join(body)
+ # replace the highlight tags
+ body = body.replace('class="highlight"', 'class="highlight-ipynb"')
+ # specify <pre> tags
+ body = body.replace('<pre', '<pre class="ipynb"')
+ # create a special div for notebook
+ body = '<div class="ipynb">\n\n' + body + "\n\n</div>"
+ # specialize headers
+ for h in '123456':
+ body = body.replace('<h%s' % h, '<h%s class="ipynb"' % h)
+ return body.split('\n')
+def process_header(header):
+ header = '\n'.join(header)
+ # replace the highlight tags
+ header = header.replace('highlight', 'highlight-ipynb')
+ # specify <pre> tags
+ header = header.replace('html, body', '\n'.join(('pre.ipynb {',
+ ' color: black;',
+ ' background: #f7f7f7;',
+ ' border: 0;',
+ ' box-shadow: none;',
+ ' margin-bottom: 0;',
+ ' padding: 0;'
+ '}\n',
+ 'html, body')))
+ # create a special div for notebook
+ header = header.replace('body {', 'div.ipynb {')
+ # specialize headers
+ header = header.replace('html, body,',
+ '\n'.join((('h1.ipynb h2.ipynb h3.ipynb '
+ 'h4.ipynb h5.ipynb h6.ipynb {'),
+ 'h1.ipynb h2.ipynb ... {',
+ ' margin: 0;',
+ ' padding: 0;',
+ ' border: 0;',
+ ' font-size: 100%;',
+ ' font: inherit;',
+ ' vertical-align: baseline;',
+ '}\n',
+ 'html, body,')))
+ header = header.replace('html, body,',
+ '/*html, body,*/')
+ header = header.replace('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6,',
+ '/*h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6,*/')
+ return header.split('\n')
+def notebook(preprocessor, tag, markup):
+ match = FORMAT.search(markup)
+ if match:
+ argdict = match.groupdict()
+ src = argdict['src']
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Error processing input, "
+ "expected syntax: {0}".format(SYNTAX))
+ # TODO: make the notebook directory a configurable setting
+ nb_dir = 'notebooks'
+ nb_path = os.path.join('content', nb_dir, src)
+ url = '/{0}/{1}/{2}'.format('static', nb_dir, src)
+ if not os.path.exists(nb_path):
+ raise ValueError("File {0} could not be found".format(nb_path))
+ # Call the notebook converter
+ converter = ConverterBloggerHTML(nb_path)
+ converter.read()
+ header_lines = process_header(converter.header_body())
+ print ("\n *** Writing styles to _nb_header.html: "
+ "this should be included in the theme.\n")
+ open('_nb_header.html', 'w').write('\n'.join(header_lines).encode('utf-8'))
+ body_lines = process_body(converter.main_body('\n'))
+ body = preprocessor.configs.htmlStash.store('\n'.join(body_lines),
+ safe=True)
+ return body
+# This import allows image tag to be a Pelican plugin
+from liquid_tags import register