소스 검색

interlinks: Cleanup style

Fix pep8 issues and change to spaces for indentation to be consistent
with rest of pelican.

Also there seemed to be an invisible character that sneaked in somehow
to the head of the file without any apparent purpose which has been
Chris Scutcher 6 년 전
1개의 변경된 파일49개의 추가작업 그리고 45개의 파일을 삭제
  1. 49 45

+ 49 - 45

@@ -1,62 +1,66 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-This plugin allows you to include "interwiki" or shortcuts links into the blog, as keyword>rest_of_url
+This plugin allows you to include "interwiki" or shortcuts links into the blog,
+as keyword>rest_of_url
+import re
+from pelican import signals
 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
 from bs4 import SoupStrainer
-from pelican import signals
-import re
 interlinks = {}
-def getSettings (generator):
-	global interlinks
+def getSettings(generator):
+    global interlinks
+    interlinks = {'this': generator.settings['SITEURL']+"/"}
+    if 'INTERLINKS' in generator.settings:
+        for key, value in generator.settings['INTERLINKS'].items():
+            interlinks[key] = value
-	interlinks = {'this': generator.settings['SITEURL']+"/"}
-	if 'INTERLINKS' in generator.settings:
-		for key, value in generator.settings['INTERLINKS'].items():
-			interlinks[key] = value
 def parse_links(instance):
-	if instance._content is not None:
-		content = instance._content
-		if '<a' in content:
-			text = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser", parse_only=SoupStrainer("a"))
-			for link in text.find_all("a",href=re.compile("(.+?)>")):
-				old_tag = str(link)
-				url = link.get('href')
-				m = re.search(r"(.+?)>", url).groups()
-				name = m[0]
-				if name in interlinks:
-					hi = url.replace(name + ">", interlinks[name])
-					link['href'] = hi
-				content = content.replace(old_tag, str(link))
-		if '<img' in content:
-			text = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser", parse_only=SoupStrainer("img"))
-			for img in text.find_all('img', src=re.compile("(.+?)>")):
-				old_tag = str(img)
-				url = img.get('src')
-				m = re.search(r"(.+?)>", url).groups()
-				name = m[0]
-				if name in interlinks:
-					hi = url.replace(name+">",interlinks[name])
-					img['src'] = hi
-				content = content.replace(old_tag.replace("&gt;", ">").replace("/>",">"), str(img))
-		instance._content = content
+    if instance._content is not None:
+        content = instance._content
+        if '<a' in content:
+            text = BeautifulSoup(
+                content, "html.parser", parse_only=SoupStrainer("a"))
+            for link in text.find_all("a", href=re.compile("(.+?)>")):
+                old_tag = str(link)
+                url = link.get('href')
+                m = re.search(r"(.+?)>", url).groups()
+                name = m[0]
+                if name in interlinks:
+                    hi = url.replace(name + ">", interlinks[name])
+                    link['href'] = hi
+                content = content.replace(old_tag, str(link))
+        if '<img' in content:
+            text = BeautifulSoup(
+                content, "html.parser", parse_only=SoupStrainer("img"))
+            for img in text.find_all('img', src=re.compile("(.+?)>")):
+                old_tag = str(img)
+                url = img.get('src')
+                m = re.search(r"(.+?)>", url).groups()
+                name = m[0]
+                if name in interlinks:
+                    hi = url.replace(name+">", interlinks[name])
+                    img['src'] = hi
+                content = content.replace(
+                    old_tag.replace("&gt;", ">").replace("/>", ">"), str(img))
+        instance._content = content
 def register():
-	signals.generator_init.connect(getSettings)
-	signals.content_object_init.connect(parse_links)
+    signals.generator_init.connect(getSettings)
+    signals.content_object_init.connect(parse_links)