1.3 KB


  1. Add padding to heading and tag line
  2. Disable underline when hover over text.
  3. Choose proper font and size for the tag line.
  4. Choose proper font, size and color for the heading.
  5. Should I throw in a logo?

Mobile only

  1. Design site banner
  2. Should I have text only or should I add image?
  3. May be I can show logo and text. But then I have to make sure desktop user has seen the logo.


  1. Use verdena font
  2. Enclose heading in a box using upper and lower lines.


  1. Choose a proper texture for background.
  2. Move article to the left. Center Article looks good but on smaller screen user has to scroll to get it centered. This will also give us space on the right for ads or other stuff.


  1. Short description about me.
  2. Link to detailed about me. This should be the link of the splash page.
  3. Subscribe through email and RSS.
  4. Join me on twitter.

Nav bar Not showstopper

  1. Link to contents of this page
  2. About me
  3. Subscribe options



  1. Use 7 column for article.
  2. Use two column for tag.
  3. Use 3 columns of prefix for date of article.


  1. Article and heading should appear inside rounded corners section.

Mobile only

  1. Hide binder and background texture.