{# Label for the list of related posts #} {% if not RELATED_POSTS_LABEL %} {% set RELATED_POSTS_LABEL = 'Related Posts' %} {% else %} {% set RELATED_POSTS_LABEL = RELATED_POSTS_LABEL %} {% endif %} {# Label for the list of social profiles #} {% if not SOCIAL_PROFILE_LABEL %} {% set SOCIAL_PROFILE_LABEL = 'Contact' %} {% else %} {% set SOCIAL_PROFILE_LABEL = SOCIAL_PROFILE_LABEL %} {% endif %} {# Label for the Email subscription form #} {% if not EMAIL_SUBSCRIPTION_LABEL %} {% set EMAIL_SUBSCRIPTION_LABEL = 'Email Newsletter' %} {% else %} {% set EMAIL_SUBSCRIPTION_LABEL = EMAIL_SUBSCRIPTION_LABEL %} {% endif %} {# Placeholder text for Email field #} {% if not EMAIL_FIELD_PLACEHOLDER %} {% set EMAIL_FIELD_PLACEHOLDER = 'Enter your email...' %} {% else %} {% set EMAIL_FIELD_PLACEHOLDER = EMAIL_FIELD_PLACEHOLDER %} {% endif %} {# Subscribe button title #} {% if not SUBSCRIBE_BUTTON_TITLE %} {% set SUBSCRIBE_BUTTON_TITLE = 'Subscribe' %} {% else %} {% set SUBSCRIBE_BUTTON_TITLE = SUBSCRIBE_BUTTON_TITLE %} {% endif %} {# Count of recent articles to be shown on the home page #} {% if not RECENT_ARTICLES_COUNT %} {% set RECENT_ARTICLES_COUNT = 10 %} {% else %} {% set RECENT_ARTICLES_COUNT = RECENT_ARTICLES_COUNT %} {% endif %} {# Label to show before Share Post links #} {% if not SHARE_POST_INTRO %} {% set SHARE_POST_INTRO = 'Share on:' %} {% else %} {% set SHARE_POST_INTRO = SHARE_POST_INTRO %} {% endif %} {# Label to show before comments #} {% if not COMMENTS_INTRO %} {% set COMMENTS_INTRO = '' %} {% else %} {% set COMMENTS_INTRO = COMMENTS_INTRO %} {% endif %} {# Label to show with multi-part plugin widget #} {% if not SERIES_TITLE %} {% set SERIES_TITLE = 'Series' %} {% else %} {% set SERIES_TITLE = SERIES_TITLE %} {% endif %} {# Author's twitter handle. Used in Twitter card meta data #} {% if not TWITTER_USERNAME %} {% set TWITTER_USERNAME = '' %} {% else %} {% set TWITTER_USERNAME = TWITTER_USERNAME %} {% endif %} {# Author's Google Plus Profile URL. Used for Google Authorship #} {% if not GOOGLE_PLUS_PROFILE_URL %} {% set GOOGLE_PLUS_PROFILE_URL = '' %} {% else %} {% set GOOGLE_PLUS_PROFILE_URL = GOOGLE_PLUS_PROFILE_URL %} {% endif %} {# Thumbnail image to show when homepage is shared on social media. It also serves as the default image for posts whose featured_image is not set. #} {% if not FEATURED_IMAGE %} {% set FEATURED_IMAGE = '' %} {% else %} {% set FEATURED_IMAGE = FEATURED_IMAGE %} {% endif %} {# License of your site that appears in the footer of every page #} {% if not SITE_LICENSE %} {% set SITE_LICENSE = '' %} {% else %} {% set SITE_LICENSE = SITE_LICENSE %} {% endif %} {# Description of your site. It is used in meta tags so it will appear in search results and social media #} {% if not SITE_DESCRIPTION %} {% set SITE_DESCRIPTION = '' %} {% else %} {% set SITE_DESCRIPTION = SITE_DESCRIPTION %} {% endif %} {# Mailchimp form action URL. This value is mandatory, to show subscriber form #} {% if not MAILCHIMP_FORM_ACTION %} {% set MAILCHIMP_FORM_ACTION = '' %} {% else %} {% set MAILCHIMP_FORM_ACTION = MAILCHIMP_FORM_ACTION %} {% endif %} {# It is displayed along with the SITENAME in the footer of every page #} {% if not SITE_SUBTITLE %} {% set SITE_SUBTITLE = '' %} {% else %} {% set SITE_SUBTITLE = SITE_SUBTITLE %} {% endif %} {# Set it to True to display favicon and speed dial icon. Also make sure that you have placed images in the appropriate directory and defined STATIC_PATHS accordingly #} {% if not USE_FAVICON %} {% set USE_FAVICON = False %} {% else %} {% set USE_FAVICON = USE_FAVICON %} {% endif %} {# It is a dictionary with two keys: title, details. Value of each key is a string. It is used to display About me section on the home page. LANDING_PAGE_ABOUT = {'title': 'Talha Mansoor', 'details': '
I am a software developer. This blog is' 'my personal space in the cyber world!
' } #} {% if not LANDING_PAGE_ABOUT %} {% set LANDING_PAGE_ABOUT = '' %} {% else %} {% set LANDING_PAGE_ABOUT = LANDING_PAGE_ABOUT %} {% endif %} {# It is an array of dictionaries. Each distionary has three keys: name, url, description. PROJECTS = [{ 'name': 'Logpad + Duration', 'url': 'https://github.com/talha131/logpad-plus-duration#logpad--duration', 'description': 'Vim plugin to emulate Windows Notepad logging feature,' ' and log duration of each entry'}, {'name': 'Elegant Theme for Pelican', 'url': 'http://oncrashreboot.com/pelican-elegant', 'description': 'A clean and distraction free theme, with search and a' ' lot more unique features, using Jinja2 and Bootstrap'}] #} {% if not PROJECTS %} {% set PROJECTS = '' %} {% else %} {% set PROJECTS = PROJECTS %} {% endif %}